Dhoni gets license to buy 9 mm pistol

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Re: Dhoni gets license to buy 9 mm pistol

Post by mundaire » Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:40 pm

weapon247 wrote:any updates on which gun dhoni bought??

also for knowledge sake
if one gets a pb license in India and wants to get a gun from abroad is he entitled to do so on the basis of the license or does he also need an import permit etc...
An arms license is NOT a license to import. That said, imported PB handguns usually sell for INR 7,000 upwards (nope I have not forgotten a zero)!!! So he can pick up a very nice piece in India itself, for a relatively low price...

-- 17 Jul 2010 04:43 pm --
davidj7 wrote:I'd like to know his reason for applying for license
Would be under the VIP category which is usually stated as something like - "grave & imminent threat, which cannot be defended using a NPB firearm". Loose translation - in the land of equals, there are some whose life is more valuable than that of others...
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Re: Dhoni gets license to buy 9 mm pistol

Post by vrohan59 » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:00 pm

maybe Dhoni now needs a rocket launcher to defend himself from "grave and Imminent danger",or maybe a tank@!!! :evil:

Calm it down and this outburst is uncalled for read the forum rules and adhere. Comparing it to Rockets launcher etc is ridiculous, consider this an advise and a warning - MOD
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