Handguns that you would like to own

Posts related to handguns (pistols, revolvers)
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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by Grumpy » Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:24 am

Just a little difficult to achieve under UK law........................................
You`ll have to go for a `muzzle loader` Vickers.
Mind you, there`s always Alan Westlake - have a look at these:
- and they`re legal !

Nan ? NAN ? !
What`s that about ?
:wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
How`s Nieuwegein tonight............apart from lonely ?

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Post by Nan » Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:30 pm

Grumpy";p="34600 wrote:
Nan ? NAN ? !
What`s that about ?
:wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
How`s Nieuwegein tonight............apart from lonely ?
:( very lonely. I have too my wish list, not with guns on it but one big gun-lover :(. I am not greedy ;).

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by axp817 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:08 am

hmm, I haven't been around handguns long enough and have only seen/read about/handled/shot a few.

Given that, it isn't easy for me to say which ones I would like to own. But heres a few that I definitely want in the near future. When I am old and wise, I will have a 'real' list, but for now, these will do :)

- Have always wanted a black (not two tone) Sig with the DAK trigger (but I already have the Sig P220R DAK so I guess technically it is not on my wishlist anymore)

- A compact 9mm semi-auto (will hopefully have the Kimber Ultra Aegis II in a few weeks, whee.... Also, still waiting :roll: for opinions/recommendations on my question on choosing between the Kimber and the SA in another thread, even though im almost certain about getting the Kimber)

- A medium frame Smith & Wesson in .357 Mag

- A small frame Smith & Wesson in .38 special

And I have to agree with Vikram, the Kimber Super America 1911 is a beautiful beautiful pistol.

- Naren

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by HydNawab » Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:56 pm

Just to mention a few


SW 500
Colt Python 357 Mag
SW 326 PD 357 Mag 2" and 4"
Colt Trooper .22
Ruger GP100
Ruger SP101


H&K USP Compact
Sig 226
Sig 229
Colt 1911 45
Colt 1911 38 Super
Kimber Aegis II
Kimber Desert Warrior
Glock 17
Glock 23
Glock 22
Beretta 92FS
Beretta 84FS
Beretta 81FS
Walther PPK
Walther PPK/S
CZ 75
CZ 75B
Desert Eagle 50AE
Springfield XD
Springfield XD Compact

PS Will buy all of these if sold at the US prices. :P

Dare I mention the shotguns?

'It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger squeeze'.

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by timmy » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:42 am

Oh, I've got a wish list, that's for sure!

First on my wish list would undoubtedly be the Webley Fosbery Automatic Revolver, especially the target model shown below:


It would be hard to pick with caliber, the 455 Webley or the 38 Colt Auto, but if I can only have one and I can have the long target model shown above, I would prefer 38 Colt Auto.

Second on my wish list would be a nicely made double barrel Howdah Pistol in 577 Snider. I think I would like one with an internal hammer mechanism. One of the Lancaster pistols would do.

Third on my list would be a Colt 1902 Auto in 38 Colt Auto, especially the military style with the square grip and lanyard ring, as below:


Fourth on my list would be the tough Radom wz35 9mm "Vis" such as this one:


As long as I am wishing and can be picky, I want one of the "Polish Eagle" ones produced before Sept 1939 and marked with the White Eagle, as below:


Fifth on my list would be a custom pistol I have long envisioned: It would be a double action revolver based on the Colt New Service frame (larger than the Python), chambered in 38 Special, and be fitted with a custom heavy barrel in the 8" to 10" range. It would be fitted with an optical sighting system. My plans to do this are actually are around the Colt Official Police frame (same as Python), but since this is a "wish list," I will take the big New Service frame instead.

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Post by Anand » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:02 pm

1.Browning Hi Power .30 Luger( I own a FEG copy)
2.Colt 1911 with a Hi-cap frame (in .308 slammer
wildcat cartridge) and a .22 LR Ciener conversion
3. CZ 75B with .22 LR Kadet conversion
4. Mauser Broom handle C-96 in .30 Mauser caliber
5. Walther P-38 in .30 Luger
6.Luger P-08 in .30 Luger
7.Webley/Enfield Mk VI Revolver(large frame)
in .32 S&W L Aladix conversion( have fired this)
8.Webley & Scott Mk IV revolver in .32 S&W L(I
own one)
9. S&W N frame in 44 Mag with a spare cylinders in .44-40 and a wildcat based on a shortened .44 Automag caliber.
10. Chinese Tokarev copy with hi-cap frame in
7.62 Tok.
11.Ruger Redhawk 4.75 in barrel .44 Mag with
spare cylinder in a wildcat cartridge based on
shortened .315 IOF cartridge

Thats it for now.
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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by kragiesardar » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:16 am

SIG 210
They are hard to come by and at over USD 2,000 not exactly cheap. DSA arms had imported some, I had an opportunity to buy one at around USD 1,300 just after I had bought a JP Sauer shotgun so I had to let it go. If I had seen it before the JP Sauer I would have bought it. Regret it.

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by boatme99 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:23 am

Short list
1. Colt 1911
2. Browning Hi Power 9mm
3. Bersa .380CC
4. CZ 75
5. Ruger GP 100
6. Ruger Old Vaquero
7. Just about any Colt revolver.
I guess I'll stop there for now, I'm starting to drool on my keyboard. ROTFL
The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. James Madison

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by Private Merc » Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:06 am

A Glock 19, modified to full auto with a 1000 grit sandpaper scrapping for much, much, much quicker extraction!

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by HydNawab » Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:11 am

Oh forgot to mention one more. A Glock 19 with night sights and the glock gtl51 glock light.


'It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger squeeze'.

'You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.'

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Re: Handguns that you would like to own

Post by brijendra » Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:41 pm

springfield xd .40 and nagant revs
DARWIN said " survival of the fittest "
I say " survival of the armed ones "

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