Oh, I've got a wish list, that's for sure!
First on my wish list would undoubtedly be the Webley Fosbery Automatic Revolver, especially the target model shown below:
It would be hard to pick with caliber, the 455 Webley or the 38 Colt Auto, but if I can only have one and I can have the long target model shown above, I would prefer 38 Colt Auto.
Second on my wish list would be a nicely made double barrel Howdah Pistol in 577 Snider. I think I would like one with an internal hammer mechanism. One of the Lancaster pistols would do.
Third on my list would be a Colt 1902 Auto in 38 Colt Auto, especially the military style with the square grip and lanyard ring, as below:
Fourth on my list would be the tough Radom wz35 9mm "Vis" such as this one:
As long as I am wishing and can be picky, I want one of the "Polish Eagle" ones produced before Sept 1939 and marked with the White Eagle, as below:
Fifth on my list would be a custom pistol I have long envisioned: It would be a double action revolver based on the Colt New Service frame (larger than the Python), chambered in 38 Special, and be fitted with a custom heavy barrel in the 8" to 10" range. It would be fitted with an optical sighting system. My plans to do this are actually are around the Colt Official Police frame (same as Python), but since this is a "wish list," I will take the big New Service frame instead.