.30 Pistols

Posts related to handguns (pistols, revolvers)
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Re: .30 Pistols

Post by TwoRivers » Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:49 am

eljefe wrote:Hey Darwin, I dont know if any of the TOKs have a chrome lined barrel. Can any board member let me know?
OT- How does your 223 Norinco group?any extraction problems?
Asif: Am pretty sure that the Soviet/Russian Toks did not have chrome-lined barrels, at least not any production through the end of WWII. Chrome-lining of barrels was adopted sometime after the war. Don't know how much longer they produced the TT after the war. They kept up Mosin-Nagant rifle production at least through 1948. They did export, clandestinely, to wherever they wanted to stir up trouble; and to friendly governments. Military weapons don't normally carry proof marks when issued; but rather have acceptance marks. Cheers.

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Re: .30 Pistols

Post by darwinmauser » Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:03 am

The ones available in Australia have.

http://www.owenguns.com/newsletter/maga ... 009-no-11/


The Russian's and Chinese have always chrome lined their barrels so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't do it for a pistol which would get used with corrosive ammo .

The Norinco 223 is a bloody good rifle ,very accurate but it needs a bit of work to get the best out of it .I'm still playing with mine (have to do a bedding job), a friend got a 1 hole group at 100 metres with one not long ago.

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