Baby pistol .25"

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Royal Gun House
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Baby pistol .25"

Post by Royal Gun House » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:36 pm


See very small pistol called "Baby Pistol" made by F N Browning ... directlink

Last edited by Royal Gun House on Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Baby pistol .25"

Post by cottage cheese » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:46 pm

Royal Gun House";p="63778 wrote:Hi

See very small pistol called "Baby Pisyol" made by F N Browning ... directlink

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Post by The Doc » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:50 pm

Price ?
It's always better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it !

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Re: Baby pistol .25"

Post by Royal Gun House » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:52 pm

You can see in photo its size is 4"X 3"

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Re: Baby pistol .25"

Post by Royal Gun House » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:54 pm

Sorry this is not for sale , Its one of my friend .

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Post by The Doc » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:17 pm

Royal Gun House";p="63782 wrote: Sorry this is not for sale , Its one of my friend .
Oh sorry , I thought you were selling it . It is not an uncommon pistol you know . :)

What other handguns do you have for sale ?


It's always better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it !


Post by shahid » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:46 pm

I have owned one but the ME is less than that of .22 LR pistols, so not a very useful thing any longer. Mine too was a baby browning, now I keep a Beretta M 92 in .32 calibre.

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Post by marksman » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:58 pm

These were Purse guns. Ladies in Elite circle carried engraved ones with mother of pearl grips. Later Colt made them as well. Very anti Macho....
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Post by Vikram » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:10 pm

Looks interesting. Only, needs a bit of clean-up and oiling.Thank you for sharing.

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Re: Baby pistol .25"

Post by saahil » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:53 am

this is a very common gun. in india we can easily find a gun of this calibre(.25),size and make of three brands.cz45, fn baby browning,and uncle have attached. ... wning25acp#

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Post by lazybones » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:26 pm

Webley & Scott also used to make them. I saw one at the KSRA range the other day. The owner said he had paid 1.7 L for it, to a dealer, the previous week - and yes; there was a Greek chorus of voices telling him he'd been ripped off :)


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Post by Risala » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:19 pm

shahid";p="63787 wrote: now I keep a Beretta M 92 in .32 calibre.
Beretta 92 series does not come in 32 ACP

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Post by cottage cheese » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:41 pm

Sanjay";p="63877 wrote:
shahid";p="63787 wrote: now I keep a Beretta M 92 in .32 calibre.
Beretta 92 series does not come in 32 ACP
Unless if its made in Darra Adam Khel :)
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Post by mundaire » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:46 pm

Sanjay";p="63877 wrote:
shahid";p="63787 wrote: now I keep a Beretta M 92 in .32 calibre.
Beretta 92 series does not come in 32 ACP
How about calibre conversions? Do they have such kits available for the Beretta 92? I know the 1911 series has a few such options available (none in .32 though).

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Re: Baby pistol .25"

Post by timmy » Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:34 am

Comparing the .25 ACP with the .22 Long Rifle can be a bit of a tricky thing.

For one thing, while the .22 LR may seem to be more powerful than the .25 ACP, one must remember that the .25 ACP ballistics are usually quoted for a 2" or 3" barrel length, while those for the .22 LR are quoted for either rifle or handgun, and if one is looking at handgun ballistics, they are very often for 6" or 8" barrel lengths. In order to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges, one must be sure that the barrel lengths are similar or, better yet, rely on chronograph and gel penetration tests from real firearms.

Actually, out of similarly sized weapons, .22 LR does not hold any significant advantage over .25 ACP. Also, .25 ACP is strictly intended for self-defense, and as such, there are specialty bullets from ammo makers like Cor-Bon for this cartridge.

Another factor to consider is that rimmed cartridges are much harder to feed reliably thru semi-auto actions that is the semi-rimmed .25 ACP. Like all the cartridges in the ACP category, it was designed from the ground up as a round that would work in a semi-auto pistol. When depending on a weapon for self-defense and personal protection, reliability is a very key consideration IMO.

There are a number of folks who consider the .25 ACP to be lacking in power for self-defense. There is some validity to that. I used to own a .25 ACP many years ago and did carry it for personal protection when working the 4 to 12 shift in a nasty part of town. Thank goodness, I never needed to use it, but it was much more practical than the 6" .38 Special revolver one idiot I worked with carried -- in his briefcase. Predictably, he was held up in the parking lot when leaving work one night and the robber did not give him time to retrieve the revolver from the briefcase...

But I carried the .25 in my pocket, and even the boss did not know I had it -- so while it lacked power compared to Bobo's .38 Special, it was better suited to the job as it was actually useable.

(Note 1: Over a year later, Bobo's .38 Special was recovered by the Police after they stopped a car subsequent to a grocery store robbery. The revolver was one of a number of weapons in the car.)

(Note 2: Here in the USA, in the Hispanic Community, "Juan Bobo" is a character in children's books who means well, but is always doing something wrong and getting into trouble due to stupid decisions.)

My brother used to tell me that I would find a better use for my .25 by tying a string around the trigger guard and swinging it around my head to hit the "bad guy." While I can understand questions about the .25 ACP's power, I would not choose to get shot with one, given the choice.

Anyway, when I recently got my CZ 52 .32 ACP, my brother took a similar view and reminded me of my carrying the .25 years back. .32 ACP is about twice as powerful and the handgun package isn't that much bigger, so I feel it is a better choice for me. However, I'm a large person and I will admit that it is easier for me to carry a larger weapon without attracting attention. For something like a woman's purse, a .25 is better, tho getting the thing out of the purse might be similar to the procedure my Bobo acquaintance intended to use.

Here are three interesting links that discuss this matter in more detail: ... 22-lr.html

PS: this last link may not be available much longer. The web master has removed the links to it on his pages and you must find it through googling. I suggest you save the information as a .pdf if it interests you.

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