Importing a pistol barrel

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Importing a pistol barrel

Post by arshjeet » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:11 am

Hi Everyone,

I would like to import a barrel for one of my buddy's 1903 colt pistol. Can i legally do it ?
Members living abroad can suggest where i can buy it in States or Canada. Help will be appreciated.
And I'm not sure if this most suitable place for this topic :!:

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Re: Importing a pistol barrel

Post by jonahpach » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:57 am

AFAIK, according to current indian laws it is next to impossible to legally import a firearm and/or any of its parts. One option could be to 'export' the handgun by taking it with oneself on a foreign trip, get it repaired with the necessary spares and then have it 'imported' back again. But, I believe that this is also possible only in 'theory' and I am not particularly conversant with the actual procedures.
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