difference b/w original & duplicate

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Re: difference b/w original & duplicate

Post by marksman » Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:46 pm

You'd be surprised fellas the kind of fire arms that were being churned out by our indigenous gun makers before the Britishers broke their backs with strict gun laws, an aftermath of the the mutiny of 1857. I have personally seen and shot a 50 cal. single barrel muzzle loader rifle in carbine length (22") that was a delight to hold and use. Color case hardened side lock action, deep browned barrel, relief engraved action and a receiver filled with gold. MADE IN RAMPUR,UP.
I certainly wouldn't mind buying a locally made copy of a fire arm that happens to be as good or better then the original in every way and of course legal.

Exercise in Logic:
Given that there are far more good guys than bad guys, what would happen if all good guys and all bad guys were armed???......Simple, isn't it ?---Jeff Cooper

"Our Country won't go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't
be any India because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our
women and breed a hardier race!"

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