Please help me choose a good shot gun of 12 gauge. I have an inclination towards the following guns:-
Beretta 686 Onyx 12 gauge 3-1/2" 26 inchs barrel
Benelli SuperNova 12 gauge, 3-1/2" 26 inchs barrel; and
Moreover I would like to know whether in India we are allowed to use 3-1/2" or 3 " chamber for civvies like us? And if the 3-1/2" is not prohibited then which one is less expensive in the long run?
Is the 30-06 Springfield prohibited bore for shotguns in our country?
Does anyone in the forum had the experience of owning a Beretta 689 Silver Sable 30-06 Springfield ? And how did he procure such a toy? What was the cost of owning such a dream?
Where can I get these handsome beauties and their approximate costs?
And any other Indian manufacturer who makes over and under shotguns?
Any suggestions and advice is highly solicited

Please help me sort out my predicament