friends help me choose a good shot gun

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jayanta mukherjee
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friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by jayanta mukherjee » Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:39 pm

Dear Friends
Please help me choose a good shot gun of 12 gauge. I have an inclination towards the following guns:-
Beretta 686 Onyx 12 gauge 3-1/2" 26 inchs barrel
Benelli SuperNova 12 gauge, 3-1/2" 26 inchs barrel; and
Moreover I would like to know whether in India we are allowed to use 3-1/2" or 3 " chamber for civvies like us? And if the 3-1/2" is not prohibited then which one is less expensive in the long run?
Is the 30-06 Springfield prohibited bore for shotguns in our country?
Does anyone in the forum had the experience of owning a Beretta 689 Silver Sable 30-06 Springfield ? And how did he procure such a toy? What was the cost of owning such a dream?
Where can I get these handsome beauties and their approximate costs?
And any other Indian manufacturer who makes over and under shotguns?
Any suggestions and advice is highly solicited :)
Please help me sort out my predicament

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Post by mundaire » Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:53 pm

From the guns listed I take it that budget is not a constraint. The Beretta is a fine make and the 686 is a damn good shotgun, I'd pick it over the pump action any day of the week!

There is no prohibition on 12 ga chamber size in shotguns. There is however a restriction on minimum barrel length (20"), any barrel shorter than this is a PB. You can use shorter length shotshells (of the same gauge) in longer chambers, but the reverse is obviously not possible - hence, a longer chamber offers a bit more flexibility in terms of the ammo choices you have. However I very much doubt that you would be able to procure those magnum length cartridges in India.

The .30-06 is NOT a shotgun cartridge it is a RIFLE cartridge. You have double barrelled rifles chambered for various rifle cartridges - these ARE NOT shotguns but double rifles. The correct license for such a gun would be a NPB DBBL Rifle. You also have combination guns - one barrel smooth bore (shotgun) and one barrel rifled & chambered for a rifle cartridge. And then there are those "Drillings" that the Germans seem to like so much...

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Post by jayanta mukherjee » Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:23 pm

Well thanks Abijeet. Do you have any idea where I will be able to find the Berreta Onxy and what would you preffer a 3" or a 3-1/2" rim. Whose cartridges are easier to procure in India?

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Post by mundaire » Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:35 pm

jayanta mukherjee";p="54226 wrote: Well thanks Abijeet. Do you have any idea where I will be able to find the Berreta Onxy and what would you preffer a 3" or a 3-1/2" rim. Whose cartridges are easier to procure in India?
Damn! From your post it seemed you already had identified the guns with some dealer/ seller and were in the process of choosing between the two! :lol:

The 12 gauge 3 1/2" shotshell is actually considered equivalent or better in terms of power to most 10 gauge loadings. That said I very much doubt you will be able to source this ammo anywhere in India. Most/ all imported 12 ga ammo available would be of 70mm or 2 3/4" length. A lot of it would be the reduced 24 gram competition loads and a few would be 30 gram & 32 gram loadings... Indian made ammo comes in two flavours, the 65mm KF Special with a 30 gram loading and the 70mm KF Astram with 32 gram loading. As mentioned earlier all of these shorter shells can be fired from a gun with longer chambers (same gauge).

Hmm, where can you get a 686? Well try contacting shooters/ ex-shooters who have been "renown shots", post a want ad here and start calling up all the dealers in your vicinity. I doubt you'll find one in 3 1/2" chambers though... the usual is 2 3/4" chambers and there may possibly be a very few in 3" floating around...

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Post by herb » Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:17 pm

Beretta currently does not make the 686 with 3 1/2 inch chambers. I don't think they made one in the past either.

Link to Beretta 686 options

Don't buy a 3 1/2 inch chamber shotgun if you are going to use it in India. The only advantage of 3 1/2 inch is when shooting steel shots in areas where lead is prohibited for waterfowl and maybe for Turkey.

If most of your shooting is with 2 3/4 or 3 inch shells don't buy a longer chamber shotgun as shorter shells don't pattern very well in guns with the longer chambers as the shot column expand and travel for a short distance before again being compressed into the forcing cone.

I am not aware of any one making 3 1/2 inch lead loads for general use, there are some specialized turkey loads available.

3 1/2 inch is a NO-NO for a gun that will be used in India. Even in North America people are moving away from 3 1/2 inch chambers after arrival of non toxic shots like tungsten matrix & bismuth which overcomes the disadvantages of Steel.

3 1/2 inch chamber makes sense only if you are buying a dedicated waterfowl gun and shoot a lot of steel shots.

Last edited by herb on Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:03 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Sakobav » Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:27 pm

I own a Beretta Onyx 686, 12 gauge, 3inch chamber, multichoke, Field gun and Herb is correct 686s dont come in 3 1/2 chamber. Its a decent gun the cheapest one from the o/u collection from Beretta.

If you are in US there are many options not sure whats the availability in India.

You can also look for comparable Browning shotgun.


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Re: friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by HydNawab » Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:35 pm

Dear Jayanta,

I am sure it will be very difficult for you to find a Beretta with a 3 1/2 inch chamber.Most of them are 2 3/4 as Abhijeet mentioned.You might not find a 26" barrel in Beretta as well.Most of the 26" guns are game guns and the 28" guns are skeet(Generally speaking). 30" or a 32" would be trap or double trap guns.

The pricing of these kind of guns(if available) would be anywhere between 3 Lakhs(Being very very optimistic) to 7L depending on the model and grade of wood and engraving.

I heard that someone sold a Browning Citori 425 in Delhi for 6L.

Good luck with your search.I would suggest that you call up dealers in Delhi, Meerut and major cities in the North.You might just get lucky.


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Post by marksman » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:43 pm

Why not shoot a box of 3 1/2" shells and find out.
Your shoulder should and would answer this question better. .Frankly I never found the need for even 2 3/4" shells ever. And I have done all kinds of shooting in the past. It's the 2 3/4" chamber that is practical in today's time. But don't let go a shotgun of repute only because it is chambered for a 3" or 3 1//2" shells.
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Re: friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by indian » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:12 pm

i think its not only the gun but 3 1/2 ammo would be pretty difficult and expensive to source in india.

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Re: friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by jayanta mukherjee » Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:37 am

I heard that someone sold a Browning Citori 425 in Delhi for 6L.

Good luck with your search.I would suggest that you call up dealers in Delhi, Meerut and major cities in the North.You might just get lucky.



Hello Ashar thanks for the advice. Well Browning is a good choice. Can you please tell me the name and no of the person who is doing so. Or the name of the dealer. Have you personally seen the gun or is it long goose tale? As of i know there are very few people who wants to part with their Brownings. By the way what about your James Pruding? they even have their own in house auctions? I feel before you take a call try consulting their valuations.
bye n tc

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Re: friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by HydNawab » Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:49 am


I was looking for a skeet gun myself and I had called some dealers and fellow shooters.Theyy said they didnt have any at the moment and these guns are really hard to find.My budget was 3.5 -4.5L but didnt find any.Most of them didnt have the permission to sell.

According to the rules, a person who is ranked in the top 3 of their state can buy a weapon from another shooter provided the gun is atleast 5 years old.I come under that category.I found a Perazzi MX8 double trap gun and wasnt interested.Someone on the forum had asked to find out if it was still available, but when i called, the person said that it had been sold a week back.

There is no use going in for the valuation of the Purdey since they value it according to the UK standard and I wont be able to get that price here, even if I have the valuation certificate.Moreover, I cant send the gun to UK for sale since the export of 12g weapons is not allowed.Export of double rifles is permitted but I hear its a very long and grusome process. You will find most of the good doubles with collectors in UK and other countries.


Last edited by HydNawab on Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jayanta mukherjee » Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:52 am

ngrewal";p="54290 wrote:I own a Beretta Onyx 686, 12 gauge, 3inch chamber, multichoke, Field gun and Herb is correct 686s dont come in 3 1/2 chamber. Its a decent gun the cheapest one from the o/u collection from Beretta.

If you are in US there are many options not sure whats the availability in India.

You can also look for comparable Browning shotgun.

Well thanx buddy. Yeah I made the mistake. A good samaratian gave me a lead regarding a Browning from Delhi. Let me check if that works out to.

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Re: friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by indian » Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:31 am

hi jayantha :) i remember that i read a post about an A.zoli with mr.rajeev sidhu,a dealer.i dont know the chamber length though....

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Beretta S-56 E

Post by marksman » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:59 am

sorry for deviating a wee bit. some one has a Beretta S-56 E 12 bore shotgun with 2 3/4" chamber, chrome lined barrels,double trigger with articulated front trigger in almost brand new condition. The person is in two minds and wants my quote on the price. I have no clue what to offer. BTW, it's a field model. Please help.
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Re: friends help me choose a good shot gun

Post by jayanta mukherjee » Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:02 pm

Hello Marskman,
Well actually if I was in your place then i wouldn't mind paying 4.5L to 5 L(INR) for that piece. But there are certain factors which need to be considered before that and would need a proper verification, including a testing and physical examination of the gun. Even then I personally feel that it would be a steal then. Please find out whether he is really interested to sell the marvel. Actually I am quite interested in case you are not. :wink:
Jayanta :roll:
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Last edited by jayanta mukherjee on Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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