westley richard

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westley richard

Post by RUZBEH » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:52 pm

please let me know price of westley richard crown 12 bore gun side by side,hammer,3 inches chamber chokes 2 barel.
sir i like to purchs this gun let me know price of this gun

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Re: westley richard

Post by to_saptarshi » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:22 pm

Hi Ruzbeh,

You better post it in Wanted Section of this forum, also price of gun in India widely varries from dealer to dealer and also depending on the condition / Model/ Age of the gun, So I dont think their is any such fixed price avaialable or can be given unless you are talking about a perticuler shotgun. Westly Richards are considered among nice shotgun so an WR 12ga with good nick will be cost you more than 1.5 lac INR I guess. Other in this forum can give you a better idea as I am not very much updated about gun prices in India.
Thanks and Regards,

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Post by mundaire » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:50 am

A SxS (side by side) hammered English double with 3" chambers... now that would be an unusual beast... if not an impossible one to find! Did Westley Richards even make 3" chambered 12 gauge shottys in the "hammered" action days?
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Post by danish21 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:01 am

Yes i have seen a 3 inch westley richard shotgun.

RUZBEH";p="52212 wrote:please let me know price of westley richard crown 12 bore gun side by side,hammer,3 inches chamber chokes 2 barel.
sir i like to purchs this gun let me know price of this gun
Between 25k to 35k

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Post by marksman » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:47 am

It could be a fowling piece from the days when market hunting prevailed in England. It could also be sporting a pretty long barrel, say 36'' and made of Damascus steel. The price Danish estimated could be it in this case.
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Post by The Doc » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:08 am

RUZBEH";p="52212 wrote: westley richard crown 12 bore gun side by side,hammer,3 inches chamber chokes 2 barel.
Both barrels choked you said? Kindly ensure the original barrel length and that the length has NOT been tampered with. If the chokes are proper its less likely that the barrel length has been tampered with although it depends upon the kind of choke . Remember there are a lots of butchers out there who ruin the original beauty of a gun by trying to make it "shorter" ( More compact, more handy Saar!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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westley richard

Post by RUZBEH » Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:21 pm

please let me know price of westley richard crown 12 bore gun side by side 3 inches chamber chokes 2 barel, long barrel 36.
little play
sir i like to purchs this gun let me know price of this gun

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Post by mundaire » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:32 pm

RUZBEH";p="52281 wrote: sir,
please let me know price of westley richard crown 12 bore gun side by side 3 inches chamber chokes 2 barel, long barrel 36.
little play
sir i like to purchs this gun let me know price of this gun
Threads merged, Ruzbeh please don't start multiple threads on the same subject.
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