Identify this shotgun
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:05 pm
Hello guys
I came upon this odd shotgun belonging to a friends father recently and would be most obliged if someone could help me identify it.
The left hand barrel is a normal full choke .12 bore but the right hand is amazingly rifled and approximately of the same bore! The only meaningful identification mark I could read on the barell is "ROBUST"
What make is this shotgun and does it have any antique value?
He also has an antique .510 bore mauser rifle which I didnt have time to inspect. (never heard of this bore either)
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I came upon this odd shotgun belonging to a friends father recently and would be most obliged if someone could help me identify it.
The left hand barrel is a normal full choke .12 bore but the right hand is amazingly rifled and approximately of the same bore! The only meaningful identification mark I could read on the barell is "ROBUST"
What make is this shotgun and does it have any antique value?
He also has an antique .510 bore mauser rifle which I didnt have time to inspect. (never heard of this bore either)
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