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Gunning for Help
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:39 pm
by OverUnderPump
I am a fulltime gun enthusiast, am totally enamoured by guns. Especially shotguns and handguns.I just came across this site and was overjoyed to find that there is such a big community of people interested in the same.Ok enough of rambling around.
I needed some help in determining the kind of handguns or shotguns available in India.I would base my choice on availability(of both the weapon and its ammo).
Namely guns like the Benelli shotgun series and Benelli B76 Sport(not sure if it falls under PB).
And lastly, I would like to join a club or a shooting range? Is it necessary to have a gun license to be a member of such an org ? I really wanted to try my hand out at clay shooting before investing in a shotgun.
Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:23 pm
by mehulkamdar
Welcome to IFG. Most of the questions that you have asked have been responded to on other threads but let me put the responses together for you and for other new members who might want to take shooting up:
1. You do NOT need a license to join a rifle club. You do need one to buy a gun however
2. Guns cannot be imported into India unless you have worked abroad for a period of time and owned the gun while you were working abroad. EVen then, you can bring back only one firearm
3. I'm not sure Benelli makes handguns anymore. They have made them on and off for years. Their shotguns are very popular, though, and you should be able to buy them if you live in a country where they are legal for foreigners to own
4. A suggestion - don't be fixated on brands. That is a mistake many make and end up with egg in their faces. Join a club, rent different kinds of guns and then decide. Or, better still, takje a job up outside India, try even more different kinds of guns at a club abroad and then makeyour mind up
Welcome again, and do post about your experience with trying different shotguns, with clubs etc.
Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:47 pm
by OverUnderPump
Thanks for all the info Mehul. I'll read up all I can on this exhaustive site fore' I venture out and buy a gun.The fact that I can join a rifle club and try out some guns is enlightening and am very happy about that.Will do some scouting for clubs too. Thanks again

Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:14 am
by Grumpy
Since Beretta took over the company the only pistols that Benelli make nowadays are dedicated ISSF target types.
Mehul has made a very good point regarding getting hung up on the make of a gun. There`s an old maxim that holds true: "Buy the gun, not the name." The point being that you might have the finest gun that money can buy but if you shoot like a fool with it because it doesn`t suit you it is a waste of time.
Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:01 am
by Mark
There`s an old maxim that holds true: "Buy the gun, not the name."
I learned it as "Salute the rank, not the man!"

Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:47 pm
by OverUnderPump
Wow thanks a ton,

Thats quite a lot of info. So, I guess a gun is like a car or a glove, you dont really stress too much on the name, more on the feel.Hmmm.
But I'm a curious chap so I'll keep coming up with a few questions, time and again
Can I procure a replica 9mm pistol that fires blanks locally in Delhi ?(aka the ones you find on web sites like or Is it legal to own something like this, I just wanted to accustom myself to the recoil and the smithing part of using and taking care of a fire arm.Besides the guns look so well made, they are almost works of art. Particularly the Replica Magnum BFR's, the Python 380cal or the Voltran automatic. I mean am literally gaping at them, not knowing whether its legally possible to own them. Do we have any vendors in Delhi who stock them or can import these yummy goodies.
Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 2:18 am
by mehulkamdar
If you ask about replicas, please ask about replicas that are air pistols.

Blank firing replicas are, to shooters, akin to a padded bikini on a transvestite.
That said, I have seen replicas in Chennai as used in film and television studios. Some filmmakers have their own and others rent them from costume and prop rental companies there. If you're in Chennai, Hyderabad or Mumbai check with film production people. In Delhi someone at the NSD may be able to point you in that direction.
You may also find them in the Burma Bazaar or Kasi Chetty Street markets in Chennai where you have dozens of customs notified shops selling imported toys, perfumes etc.
Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:03 am
by OverUnderPump

Blank firing replicas are, to shooters, akin to a padded bikini on a transvestite.
Nice one, liked that.
I just wanted em cuz real 9mms and .38's are PB, in the same way like we store Ferrari and Phantom model cars.
I'll probably go for a .357 type or a 12 bore, when it comes to the real deal.
NSD, what does that stand for ??
I've dont have Chennai on my travel map at all. So its gonna have to be NSD who'll be my friend in need I guess.
Re: Gunning for Help
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 6:24 am
by mehulkamdar
That's the National School of Drama - I presume they have some source for stage props which is what these replicas are.
As far as our rights are concerned, please don;t lose heart. If we fight for them, we should be able to win them back. When I was a boy, during the worst year of the license-permit Raj Indira GAndhi made us wait 11 years to get a Bajaj Scooter allocated. Today, you can buy a ROlls Royce if you have the money and want one in India.
Hopefully, we shall be able to energise Indians into fighting for their rights which were stolen from us, sadly, by our own countrymen.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:47 pm
by shooter
In india,
in terms of price, ease of buying, cost, practice, practicallity, etc,
a 12g is the best weapon to buy.
however in some parts its culturally more prestigious to have a "raifal" or a " webley-scott".
I know this is just skimming the surface because there is a question of which part of india you come from, budget, the intention of buying it etc etc, the list goes on.
this is just an opinion based on my experience.