Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by peterdk » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:01 pm


yes a bit to much science and not enough expirence on the ground is right.

getting to a few microns means cutting tools are changed a lot, often during process, and many passes of the tool over the steel, all of this means time. especially machine time on a machine that has to pay for itself as well, so it is possible to do so, but that actually means higher prices on the base product and still you have to use the files in the end as no machine can replace the gunmakers hand and eye in the end process.
the same goes for barrels which is a highly specialized part of gunmaking, most these days are cold hammer forged to very tight internal dimensions and afterwards the outside are machined to near the final size, it is then mounted in the monoblock and then struck up with the files for the final surface profile, but it is only when the files are in motion that you get the perfect end result as it is the eye that tell's the gunmaker where the final strokes is placed, and we have no replacment for the eye yet :)


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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by Vikram » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:08 pm


Welcome to IFG. I read most your posts on AR and NE most of the time.It is a pleasure to have such a knowledgeable and friendly person like you here. I wish you joined a few months earlier so that I could partake of the offer you made to Shooter. Just moved to India a couple of months back. Look forward to see you participate regularly. :cheers:

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by peterdk » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:15 pm


dont worry i have a sneaking suspision that i will be in india a lot more over the next few years, so we should still be abel to meet up in the future.
thank you for the praise, i will try to live up to it.


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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by sa_ali » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:00 pm

peterdk wrote:dont worry i have a sneaking suspision that i will be in india a lot more over the next few years
:D , looking fwd to it.

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by peterdk » Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:10 pm

sa_ali wrote:
peterdk wrote:dont worry i have a sneaking suspision that i will be in india a lot more over the next few years
:D , looking fwd to it.
me to :D
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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by captrakshitsharma » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:05 pm

This is getting interesting.... what say fellas??? Perhaps the most positive move towards firearms manufacturing and good sporting guns..
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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by GAURAV SONDHI » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:15 pm

Hi Varun your project will be a dream come true for every aspiring shooter in India. When I started out there were no good guns available and one had to get to the Import catergory to be able to import one....besides which there were no cartridges available. I used to hang around the range for days before someone took pity and gave me a few rounds to have a go!!Well,with your initiative kids will be able to get the right support at the right time and not have to wait till they 'make the grade' ...which can be a long time coming without good equipment.
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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by coolaman » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:12 pm

hi varun I suppose by now you had developed a lot in your new project, I belong to a engineering background and runs a bussiness for manufacturing hydraulic presses and spm`s, I hav VMC,HMC, CNC turning and a 3d design Dept if you require any help from my side I am always ready for this noble can pm me for contact of luck

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by bandukbhandar » Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:22 pm

Varun is not ready to invest money and not only Varun, all other gun makers in Jammu, Munger and elsewhere will keep making old guns, since there products is selling like hot cakes in the market.

Varun is now already out of the discussion he started, since Peter informed him about the cost and testing procedures before the gun is sold in the market.

They have already amassed a fortune in this way and have nothing to worry about customer satisfaction.


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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by grewal » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:49 pm

bandukbhandar wrote:Varun is not ready to invest money
bandukbhandar wrote:Varun is now already out of the discussion he started, since Peter informed him about the cost and testing procedures before the gun is sold in the market.
I tend to disagree. He is a young man who wants to do something meaningful . Regarding capital investment, he might have some constraints but hope he succeeds.
Well bandukbhandar bhaisaab everyone wants to make maximum profits including yourself, so why are we pinpointing towards Varun . What I feel is that Varun should definitely succeed .

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by bandukbhandar » Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:13 pm

Yes Grewal Saheb I agree with you that Varun should succeed.

But, Varun has already tried to get designs and collaboration talks on many other gun forums and groups.

He is young but not a novice. His family is there backing him and only after consulting them he replies to the suggestions and queries.

Regarding earning profits, we the gun dealers have already been robbed by the gun makers by their illicit ways of doing business, but I as a dealer is at the mercy of their whims.

My firm was the first in India to have issued advertisements in Indore and MP hindi newspapers giving pictures of IOF arms and ammo alongwith the retail prices, when every body was charging premiums from the customers.

My friend dealers circulated all sort of stories about my firm but in longterm we established our goodwill and succeeded.

We are in this business since 1850 and till a decade back, were manufacturing ML guns in Indore. But since no demand of ML guns now, we have stopped manufacturing.

We even hold a manufacturing licence from Industries Department to manufacture air guns, but presently have no plans to go into manufacturing.


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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by varun.bhargav » Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:29 pm

Ok sorry guys i didnt reply and some members thought i am out of discussion . Ok as i have mentioned so many times i dont want to discuss past . I am here discussing about what we can do not what we have done . And i have mentioned that before if one wants to disucuss such stuff plz start a new thread and i promise i will reply on that also . coz talking about such things takes us out of track for which i actually started ...... But still i will reply for one last time .
1. Its not bad to make a fortune out of something . But its is bad just to make a fortune and not think about other stuff . Munger gun manufacturers have a quota of just 300 guns a year . So that makes a total turnover of just 30 lacs or a little more than that . So now in that Rs 30 lac u want a gun manufactuerer from munger to arrange a international quality labour and machinery for him . I dont think it is possible for him this scenario . If he invests in such stuff his costing will increase and if any dealer is reading it how many of you raise you hand that you will buy a side by side indian made gun for even half the price of a imported gun . Even the best made by girilal and sons is not over 20000 . Now lets talk about Jammu made guns . Before 1990 we all had a quota of 300-600 guns . Now my father was the fst to convert his 300 guns quota to 2400 guns a year . Other gun factories quota got increased in 2001-2002 and what we saw that because of the increase in quota there was a slump in the market . No one was even ready to buy shotguns even at the costing price before 2008 . Now I cant comment on all the 92 gun manufacturing factories in India . But there are few who are trying to improve their process and quality every year . As for investment all the gun factories work in a very small complex which is not more than 10,000 sq feet . What i can say about my concern is that we have shifted to a complex of 40,000 sq feet land in land area and in that the prduction area is around 50,000 square feet . I have invested a lot in machinery in this new complex and and ready to invest more to get a good quality provided i get a return from what i invest and a good market . My share left in my concern is now 800 guns coz we are three partners . So what ever investment i have to make i have to think with that 800 guns . And yes i havent put my step back . I am in regular talks with the guys like peter and others who are here to help .

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by sa_ali » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:02 pm

I agree and disagree with you both :)
Agree on the part that you gun makers are working on very limited resources, lack of good material being available easily and also at same time less production to break even for the cost involved.
But disagree in the sense, for so many year, it has being closed market for you all gunmakers, if the progress would have being gradually induced into your gun making, then we would have not reached this stage today, where in you to struggle from scratch, you cannot blame it on demand, as there has always being demand for decent gun in india, its just since the guns being churned out at easy was getting sold any way, gun makers didnt bother to improve it nor they wanted to share and improve customer experience.
But still its never late, i hope we move on, its beneficial for all 3 of us, the gun maker, gun seller and buyer :). Lets hope all 3 are happy this project. Amen

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by varun.bhargav » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:50 pm

Yes i agree with you sa_ali but somehow i also diagree with you . In 10 years the only boom time we get is for 10 years . In the remaining 8 years we just stock in . Chalo what u said does go for few but not for all . But there is no point discusiing what we have done . Its better we discuss on what we can do . And yes i agree costumor satisfaction should be at the priority basis

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Re: Indian made Under Over Guns for shooters .

Post by captrakshitsharma » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:49 pm

Varun if u were to invest in machines and design then yes it may take a few years to recover your money with your 800 guns a yr but in longer run if all indians identify with your product as a well made well designed and accurate gun at par with western manufacturers then you are certainly looking at a fortune....
That my friend is the real definition of an investment....
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