Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:26 pm

well you can always use a shotgun for home defence as this handy with 28 inch barrel. I bought it for Trap sport.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by manubrar67 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:06 am

Thanks sa_ali for reply...
U really have a nice piece of firearm.. :D :cheers:
I also have a request .. Can u do a video on this gun of 3-4 minutes on detailing of this gun and mention the woods,size,barrel lenght,opening closing of gun...
Really appreciate ur efforts...
Not forcing just requesting if u can if u have time .. :mrgreen:
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:51 pm

Thanks, its a decent arm.
I have mentioned the details in the begining, barrel length is 28 inch, wood is kashmir walnut.

I will try putting a video together

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Latest pics with changes

Post by sa_ali » Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:58 pm

its being a lllooooonnngggggg time :D

long journey, due to lot of up and down on personal front i was not able to keep up with it.

The changes made in the gun is that now it has rib installed on it. The rib is carved out of mono block of steel which is soldered on the barrel in same process as the barrel joining, which means its not joined using the silver soldering, which usually comes off when barrel is heated. It is rock solid.

Got the stick modified, some what monte carlo style, getting that changed worked out cheaper than getting new stock made. :wink:

Finally a non-selective single trigger. Now hold on dont jump on :), its a poc piece made for my gun only. This one has being a main reason for delay,
Afzal uncle has fought with me on several occasion but finally he agreed to give me this trigger to test, as per him it is not perfect and needs improvement.
one piece was made after lot of persuasion, but that trigger was not working fine all the time, it fire the lower barrel but would fail on upper or get stuck in cocking. I did something like 2-3 journey to Jammu to reach this stage.
This current trigger i have dry tested with snap cap for long continuous hours on snap cap. I have tested with live ammo but just about 10-15 rounds, this testing is pending on me as my membership is expired of KSSR, have to get it renewed, buy clay brids and then hit the range to try it.

The stock was refinished by me using the tru oil kit.
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Latest pics with changes

Post by sa_ali » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:52 pm

Another development which has happened is that its available in EN-19 Barrel in 28 inch. EN-9 30inch barrel will be available soon, barrel are done with ballistics testing and undergoing production completion

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by mundaire » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:32 pm

Do let us know how it performs at the range. I can understand your insistence on a single trigger as IIRC you intend to use it for trap? :)

Also, with all these modifications how much did you eventually end up spending in total (not counting travel etc.). I simply ask, so as to compare what price they sell their products/ services vis a vis global manufacturers so one can measure the quality/ performance with at least some degree of fairness.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:39 pm

Afzal uncle didnt charge me anything for making all these changes :), when i insisted, he said that i am helping develop a better gun and till date, people have come cribbing about the issue, but no was willing to take pain and collaborate so he has reciprocated to my pains i guss

I really dont think there is any comparison, as all this changes would till not cost more than 15-20k max, so the totally price of the gun even if i add my economical train travel in duranto in it;), would exceed more than 80-85K :)

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by mundaire » Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:08 pm

Hmm, at 80-85,000 I guess you may compare against a few of these ... under-1000

I understand that this being a 'custom' project it would cost more than a usual production gun. I'm just trying to understand if Khairudin is capable of building a good quality single trigger shotgun at competitive prices, something that (lets say) could stand up to at least 20,000+ rounds being shot through it before giving any trouble/ requiring repair and actually be used by people as an affordable entry level gun for trap or skeet.
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:39 am

Bro, i dont think it is fair to compare this gun to those you have on the list, it has webley scot :), out side india the industry is far more organized, you have high quality spare part being manufactured by small small industries. Here in india, even you want to get the barrel chromed, it cant be done, its not that we dont have facility, we have policies which are deterrent. I will give you my example, i went around inquiring with so many industries which have facility to do it, but the moment i mentioned its gun barrel, they said they will need spl license and permission to do it. Similarly i went around to get some spare 3d scanned for trigger action, the moment i said its gun spare, i was refused, same happened when uncle tried it.

Now coming to the customization, the biggest issue that i have seen these manufacturer are facing is skilled worker. most of the workers are working on per piece rate, they are not on salary, in uncle factory one 1-2 are on salary, the guy who makes the actions and the one who does the barrel inside finishing, he has on salary and trust me you dont want to be getting work done by these daily workers, they dont have commitment and passion to making what they are making. the action making guy ashok, only after seeing me travel several times and 2 times splly for the trigger, he took it seriously to what i said and sat with me to explain me the stuff and make it to perfection. The other issue is that afzal uncle is perfectionist so because of that most of the time workers rarely get retained ;).
Then the biggest delay reason is ballistic testing of the barrels take something like 6-9 months, depending on the situations, because of all these condition which are less conducive, afzal uncle doesnt want to take custom work, he is focusing more to get things standardized and process oriented to manufacture quality O/U.
Plus there are several other factors which i cannot list on this forum, which keeps him occupied, in short the policies are more oriented to help ppl who are greasing the palms and getting work done.
Right now he has being working on following things
1. Trigger action, he is working with basis as winchester and lanber and zabala, he has all these guns with single trigger.
2. Monte carlo adjustable stock.
3. 30 inch barrel

I just pray every day that god bless him with health, so that he continues to work and complete this dream project of mine

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by Safarigent » Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:31 pm

Whats ballistic testing?
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:12 pm

Safarigent wrote:Whats ballistic testing?
sorry wrong word usage, i meant proof testing of barrel.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:29 pm

Another update after loonnggg time.
Finally i was able to shoot in DSRA. I didnt participate using the khairuddin, as i was able to manage to beg and get a loaner perazzi 2 day before the competition.

The build upto DSRA, this gun played a key role in it, First i did all my dry practice of mounting using this gun and then i did fire about 600-700 in span of 3 weeks using this gun. I was using single barrel in all the practice, i used lower barrel and at times upper barrel. There were instances when i was practicing alone, which meant firing 25 rounds almost without break and then taking 15-30 mins break and then doing the same as i used to land on range something like 9-9:30 and initially no one used to be there. So all this cleared the doubt if the barrel is good enough to hold some level of competition shooting :)

I tested it for pattern and below isthe pattern i got at about 35 paces, sorry didnt have measuring tape, but this is distance of about 5-7 ft ahead of bunker and i was standing at the begining of the trap station, not in the box, so thats likely distance at which we will be breaking our birds. I have high light the point of aim and pattern area. So the lower barrel is shooting lil down but upper barrel is fine. I was using the Clever Pro Extra Mirage Ammo

having done the pattern test, i started shooting, i started with breaking 2-3 target in first week and then moved to 6-8 target in the 2nd week, all firing single barrel.

In the first week only i ran into 1 issue, the gun wont open, i was like sweating in tension as to what happened, tried everything make frantic call to afzal uncle also. He suggested that i wait for a while, let it cool and then remove forarm and try opening, that worked, i breathed some sight of relief, but then my mind was pretty much taken over by the issue, luckily that thing happened on the last round, So packed up and went home

Day 2, gun fired without any issue, but i had 2 mis fires in the upper barrel. Then on i was more ready mentally for mis fire or the jam :) .
The gun played along for the next 2 weeks, but i faced total of jamming 3 times, dont know the root cause may be it was old ammo or heating. Even when it jammed, after opening and closing it again, it didnt jam in next shot.

The other issue i faced was misfire in the upper barrel, for this i think i know the root cause, the mark on the primer on the misfired one showed lil alignment off to lil left, even though the mark were pretty deep still misfired. But since majorly i was shooting lower barrel. I didnt run into it very frequently.

2 major improve area which i see is the trigger pull, right now its definitely about 10 lbs for first shot and about 14 lbs for the second shot. This is wwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to heavy for competition shooting.

I have provided all these feedback to afzal uncle and he has said that he is already working on the trigger, he has winchester 101 and beretta 680 triggers, he is working on incorporating the best fit into the gun, so that the trigger is crisper and more importantly reliable.
He has started making 30 Inch barrel with EN19 steel and promised to deliver it by May-June, so keeping my fingers crossed, I have being after his life for the same for past 5 years, but this he understood as i was giving him daily status of the gun performance.

Meanwhile i intend to shoot whole year this time as i have the range membership and DSRA membership so these 2 things should really help me practice throughout the year.

Last but not the least i shot 22/50 in single trap NR ;)
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by Sakobav » Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:02 am

Beg borrow but dont give up on quest to become renowned shooter and hopefully import your own shotty

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by sa_ali » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:44 pm

Nope not giving up at all, :). Hopefully one humble soul is taking pitty on me and has promised me a loaner for a year so waiting for that moment to arrive.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

Post by rajaiswal92 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:49 pm

Would love a nice o/u , is there any plans to sell them to public or only custom projects ?

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