Bolt action shotgun

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Post by TenX » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:54 am

This link - (Savage’s New Model 210FT 12 Gauge Turkey Gun) comes with a scope ;) Maybe there is,
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Re: Bolt action shotgun

Post by eljefe » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:15 am

''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Post by mundaire » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:06 am

TenX";p="48081 wrote: This link - (Savage’s New Model 210FT 12 Gauge Turkey Gun) comes with a scope ;) Maybe there is,
Unless one is restricted by legislation, shotguns are meant primarily to shoot moving targets.... wish you luck trying to shoot a speeding target with a scope mounted atop your shotgun! Or for that matter having to use a clumsy bolt action to get in your second shot... nothing beats a good double...
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Re: Bolt action shotgun

Post by TenX » Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:26 am

"Unless one is restricted by legislation, shotguns are meant primarily to shoot moving targets.... wish you luck trying to shoot a speeding target with a scope mounted atop your shotgun! Or for that matter having to use a clumsy bolt action to get in your second shot... nothing beats a good double..."
I whole heartedly agree that nothing beats a DBBL for shooting moving objects, and for the Trap and Skeet events, especially.
But do you mean that all shotgun owners shoot 'only' moving objects?
And by the way, although I have tried my time in Trap and Skeet, I am no way a shotgun shooter. But I do know enough that no one would try a Trap or Skeet event with scope mounted. The scope mount may be used for other situations.
There is nothing wrong in trying to point out pros and cons in a discussion, and in good spirit :)
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Re: Bolt action shotgun

Post by Mark » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:07 pm

I took a pic of my own bolt action shotgun today, but it is still in the camera so here is a pic of a Savage 210 that I installed a muzzle brake and a Pachmayr recoil pad on:

Bolt action shotguns nowadays are a pretty specialized gun usually designed for one of two (OK maybe 3) things-

Strictly for use as a slug gun for deer in areas where rifles are prohibited. In this case the barrels are rifled

similar to above, but made for turkey hunting with a smooth bore and an extra full choke and a scope

Third, is rarely used for this anymore but for a while they were popular for hunting geese.

Anyway, some of my thoughts on them-

I hunt with one because I legally have to, since rifles are prohibited in my state. That is too bad as slugs loose both energy and accuracy at anything over about 125 yards. I will not shoot at a deer at over that distance, even though my gun shoots around 3" at 100 yards, but when the slugs slow down they become really unpredictable.

I've shot one of the Tar Hunt guns, and even though it was a nice gun the gun was over $1200!

If I have a choice of using a 30-06 over a 12 gauge slug, I'd take the '06 every time no matter what the distance. In most cases I think the 30-30 is a better round, except maybe as a defensive round against bears.

Any, I'm due to post some pics and hopefully I'll get some of my babies up tomorrow.
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Re: Bolt action shotgun

Post by Mark » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:46 pm

OK here is a pic of my personal deer gun-

It is a Mossberg 595 fully rifled barrel, bolt action, clip fed, 12 gauge shotgun.

Scope is a 1.5 X 4.5 BSA Catseye with illuminated recticule mounted with high rings from Burris.
"What if he had no knife? In that case he would not be a good bushman so there is no need to consider the possibility." H.A. Lindsay, 1947

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