Thank you for your detailed observation and description.
Since my childhood, I have never seen any part of this gun covered in rust, it might have been before my father had purchased it. Other thing is my father had been a regular user of this gun in hunting and he also use to take great care in good condition.
I also try my best in good condition by regularly oiling it.
Serial number is stamped on the underside of barrel, forehand and on the upper part of box lock.
Last year, I have my forehand wood replaced as the earlier wood have started cracking on many place.
Dear Ashok,ashokgodara wrote:I stroglgly object
WR never made any gun under C series.any proof?
Do you mean it's a fake Westley Richards gun.
Earlier I have sent a e-mail to Westley Richards company by attaching the pictures and serial number stamped on all different parts, I want to know the date of manufacture. I received a reply from the company that it's a original gun manufactured by Westley Richards had been manufactured between 1925-28
Dear Mundaire,
Thank you for your appreciation

Can you please help me in finding the manufacturer of my R B Rodda rifle, I have been trying for many year to identify the manufacturer.
Regards all