Visit to Khairudin Gun factory-Gun Pics uploaded

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by Vikram » Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:17 pm


Thank you very much for taking such pains to post a very detailed and highly interesting topic.We all are much more enlightened for that.I think this is the first of its kind on an Indian gun maker.Wish you all the best with your shooting.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by sa_ali » Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:44 pm

Actually I missed mentioning you in the thanks :( , I was inspired by yours Westley Richards safari write up :), So i tried to tread the same path. :wink:


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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by xl_target » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:16 am

Very good read.
Thank You sa_ali
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by timmy » Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:02 am

Syed, thank you for the write up and the pictures -- very much appreciated. I enjoyed hearing the details you included and also the illustrations of it. Please keep us informed on how your quest is proceeding.
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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by .32 » Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:51 pm

Im seriously considering buying this OU Gun but how good is it in reality & is it worth spending 55k on it.
Considering all Indian OU's cast less than 30k.

Also, is the Gun light or heavy to hold?

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by sa_ali » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:12 pm

.32 wrote:Im seriously considering buying this OU Gun but how good is it in reality & is it worth spending 55k on it.
Considering all Indian OU's cast less than 30k.

Also, is the Gun light or heavy to hold?

i would recommend that you visit the factory, the reason being, there you will have something 20-30 guns to try your fit and weight, which you will never get in any shop atleast in india :)
Like mentioned in the article, i was able to locate something like 4-5 guns which were pretty light, pretty close to intl brands.
Now you have a limitation of buying from jammu, so may be what you can do it try working with Mr Afzal that you select the gun there in Jammu, u note the serial no and then gun is shipped to you punjab dealer and you buy from him. I think this should be workable arrangement.
Now worth spending 55k, this currently only O/U which is using EN-9, which much better to what is being used by others mfr, then it has ejector.
Most imp, pls see the quality. I have not physically evaluated the a Modern O/U which is costing 33K, but i have seen the pics posted on ... 02&start=30
If you see the quality of the mechanism, the firing pins, the wood finish. I wont be wrong to say that Khairuddin is much better finish and quality.
Again i will emphasize, pls spare 1 day, from punjab you can do the up & down to jammu in a day :), so visit the factory try the guns and then buy, as its not a throw away toy that you are buying right, its a investment, so its worth that visit.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by .32 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:28 pm

Thanks a lot for the genunine advise. The solution seems very workable too.
I will try & make a visit to the factory in Jammu.

Just hypothetically speaking, lets talk about the particular Gun mentioned in the pics. by you. Now, how much worth is it actually buying this particular Gun at 55k? I mean is it a good deal or a splurge of funds?

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by Sakobav » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:15 am

.32 wrote:Thanks a lot for the genunine advise. The solution seems very workable too.
I will try & make a visit to the factory in Jammu.

Just hypothetically speaking, lets talk about the particular Gun mentioned in the pics. by you. Now, how much worth is it actually buying this particular Gun at 55k? I mean is it a good deal or a splurge of funds?

This post isnt about justifying the cost are on the right track go and personally check it out. Maybe they also provide a warranty of sorts. Check whether you can purchase / fit the shotty and they can ship it to a local dealer for you to pick up?

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by sa_ali » Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:22 pm

hi .32,

I cannot comment on the price valuation, all i can say is that i have booked mine and as soon as my license is free, i shall be going down to pick mine. :)

Rest i am sure as you are out to buy a gun, you should have idea what you are looking for and what is your budget, pls dont take my word or matter any one word for that, pls do you own evaluation. We can jst help you with our experience, but those are not gods word :D.

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by .32 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:00 pm

@NGrewal, that would be the wise thing to do but as of now I just want to know about the Gun featured in this thread. Is it worth spending ~55k on this particular Gun?

@Sa_ali: Congrats on your booking one. Is it the same/similar Gun featured in this thread?

Regarding my budget & choice, I want to buy a good Gun that would serve me well in the times to come, would be glitch free & of good quality. Budget is flexible, as I want a good product but am concerned whether the Gun featured in this thread is really worth the price they are asking?

Also, what sort of resale/residual value would this Gun have?

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by sa_ali » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:05 pm

Yes i have booked the same gun, in the pic, i have mentioned comment, My Gun.

No Clue on resale Bro

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by .32 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:11 pm

Thanks & congratulations Ali. By when do you expect to have the Gun in your hands? Maybe I can then have a first hand experience through you!

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by sa_ali » Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:10 am

Like i said i am in process of selling the other Indian made 12ga that i have, then i will apply for sale permission, since my license is delhi only. Earliest bet is another 1.5 months.
Even though my gun is ready :)

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by Sakobav » Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:25 am


Nobody can estimate the worth of gun -- because beauty and price is in eye of the beholder and in India add scarcity and ridiculous price of guns.

I had sen Khairudin in India few years ago and it was being sold at a pretty decent price and was stated to have spanish barrel and parts. I didnt know much about this company but check this board the name crops up a lot. Again these guys may offer you a warranty fit the gun too beats those ridiculous hockey sticks any day rest every one to their own.

So lets wrap this here go check the gun out unless you are suggesting that sa_ali drop by and you shall host him..not a bad plan..

Good luck

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Re: Visit to Khairudin Gun factory

Post by amjadkarim16 » Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:35 pm

Hello Ali,
Sorry for responding so late.
A descriptive post.Am really out of words.
I read almost all the posts and am happy to read the comments of big guns here on IFG.
Am so happy to see that work of my uncle is being appreciated.I call him uncle but he is not my real uncle but my fathers friend since 1962.
Will try to explain some querries here.
1.It took 11 years of R&D for Afzal uncle with minimal resources to make this gun a reality.It is selective ejector.
2.Ali,s gun is ready as I saw it yesterday.Stock resized and handpiece with groove as desired by Ali.It is so so light ,I was myself amazed.
3.Spainish guns in real mint condition are also availble(Not that mint condition what I usually read here on IFG).Made in 1983 qnd 84 I think but are greased and oiled.Only stock and handpiece is done by khairuddin.Felix Saresqeta Mod 50 with chrome plated barrel and what not.
4.Norica laurona also available.Completely spainish.Ali saw it.He can tell members about it in a better way than me.
Visit Khairuddin and see for yourself.i think you will have no more querries.)
Sorry for writing so long rather than commenting on the post.

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