How much do you shoot per year?

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How much do you shoot per year?

Post by Steve007 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:39 pm

I realize there are limits on ammo purchases in India, but how much is that for a normal non-competiton shotgun shooter? And if it is low, how do you shoot well enough to get good?

I am a better than average sporting clays shooter, but not a competition shooter. Occasionally, a bunch of guys will get together for a SC shoot or SxS shoot and someone will call or e-mail me. I generally finish in the top 10% or 20% (but never win, as my shooting/hunting partner always does :roll: ). I shoot every weekend during non-bird season and probably burn through 3-4000 rounds per year. Competition shooters shoot a lot more, but I'm not them. No idea how much pistol shooters shoot. I just kill paper once or twice a year.

Is 500 rounds a month (shotgun shells only) a reasonable amount of shells you could buy for a hobby and social shooter? And, uh, do you have sporting clays there, or is it mostly trap and skeet?

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Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by Vikram » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:16 am

Hi Steve,

You might find it a bit disappointing and even disconcerting to know the state of affairs. Annual ammunition quota in many cases can be, hold your breath, as low as five cartridges! :evil: It is arbitrary in that the licensing authority enters the quota purely on whim. It varies from case to case. In my dad's case its 600.

Many do not shoot at all apart from discharging the guns a few times.

Those who want to shoot have to beat limited quotas and expensive ammunition.On average one 12 bore cartridge costs roughly $1 or more! There are trap/skeet ranges in a few cities but accessibility is restricted apart from the above stated reasons.

I can go on, but those who are fortunate to afford,committed and knowledgeable about guns, do practice but at a limited level.

Depressing? That's the reason IFG has come into existence.

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Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by Steve007 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:29 pm

Disconcerting? I am shocked! However, I must also say I have a great deal of respect for you guys who campaign for guns, shooting and more sensible gun laws (and ammo prices!) in the face of what must seem to be impossible odds. I feel like inviting all of you to the US for shooting, hunting and a trip to gun shops and gun shows.

You might keep in mind that things can change. Really. We have "concealed carry laws" in 40 states, but in 1987, there were practically none. In 1987, when Florida first enacted such legislation, critics warned that the "Sunshine State" would become the "Gunshine State." Contrary to their predictions, homicide and "crimes against persons" (assault and rape) rates dropped much faster than the national average. Now 40 states have the same laws.

This came about when a bunch of citizens like Indians for Guns started agitating, organizing, writing letters and calling legislators. In my own state, the governor vetoed CC laws twice. The second time, it was overridden by our legislature. Now my wife feels safer with her little .32 with her.... legally.

I sure do wish all you guys the best.

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Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by msandhu » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:37 pm

I shoot around 100 rounds per month, mostly of different caliber pistols at the shooting range. Thinking of jumping into skeet or trap shooting also.

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Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by saahil » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:12 pm

200-250 per year. a cousin of mine is an administrative officer.he is having a .22 rifle,a shotgun and a iof revolver endorsed in his license but imagine he havent fired a single shot from his rifle and revolver till date.

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Post by MoA » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:37 pm

Shotgun? Not much. Maybe about 2 boxes a month... mostly at empty beer cans.

Rifle across calibers about 1000-1200 a month across calibers. Mostly .260, 8x60S, .22 LR and .300 WM.

Pistols varies... mainly reloading pistol ammo on a single stage is a pain.
Blackpowder stuff... depends entirely on my mood.

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Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by raj » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:19 pm

As far as shotgun is considered i dont shoot much.i only shoot around 25-30 shots with my dad's single barrel shotgun(12gauge) and around 20 with my brother's 16gauge shotgun.
i shoot around 250rounds with my .22LR IOF Rilfe every month.
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Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by ebenezer » Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:26 pm

In my case, I left the 'quantity of ammo needed' column in the arms licence application form blank (the most stupid thing I ever did). After my licence was sanctioned, the number endorsed was 100 per year and 50 at a time.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:31 pm

I hope to upgrade to 1000 hold and 5000 max per annum per firearm (three in total) sometime later this year. Having said that, I will believe it when I see this endorsed on my licence.


Re: How much do you shoot per year?

Post by penpusher » Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:38 pm

At present it is 500 per firearm.Out of the possible 1500(500x3) that I am allowed to buy,I have found that I barely buy 100-200 in a year.Most of my shooting is what I get to do for free.Which is quite a lot :lol:

The max. that I have shot in a day was about 2000.That was from a couple of SLR's a LMG's and a MMG.Was helping out one of India's finest thin out some unwanted ammo that his unit somehow had not had the time to use up.
One thing I learnt was that an LMG barrel can get very hot OUCH

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Post by MoA » Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:29 am

Penpusher all barrels heat up. Auto's more rapidly than semi's or bolts or shot guns.

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