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Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:28 pm
by brihacharan
Hi all IFGians,

> As you are aware the band of IFGians is growing for the good of all gun aficianados. I wonder how many of us have the opportunity to meet one another apart from being in contact through our postings.

> Wouldn't you think it would be a nice idea if a 'Lapel Pin' could be designed, that would identify us(ofcourse) amongst us during our visits to different cities - meet at airports / railway stations / hotels etc. What fun would it be to recognize each other (fellow IFGians) and meet to discuss guns! Give it a thought.


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:35 pm
by farhan.lateefi
sounds like a great idea!!


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:56 pm
by vkjalan
I also have a suggestions why dont we Make stickers to be stuck on cars/ Bikes like team BHP has. This brings more popularity about the website and its causes and also helps us better.

Just a suggestion.

Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:39 pm
by brihacharan
> Wow! Never expected bullet fast responses! Car / Bike stickers - RKBA what a way to go!

> Now who is going to bell the cat and start the ball rolling? Any takers?


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:56 pm
by ravi.sharma
Stickers for IFG and Support RKBA is something i would also vote for.

Mod's is it possible to make this a voting thread, if the numbers are good maybe we can go ahead with it.


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:03 pm
by arshad_ahmad48

We should start working on some sticker designs and submit them to the mods.

I am ready to take part in this .......

Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:57 pm
by ashraf
brialliant idea for the lapel pins & stickers !!!!!
any of the ifgians who are graphic designers can come forward and work on some templates .

Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:16 am
by Olly
The idea of IFG stickers dates back to Nov 2006, IIRC...

Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:49 pm
by jonahpach
Olly wrote:The idea of IFG stickers dates back to Nov 2006, IIRC...

I thought we had buried this topic long ago... A sad case of too may cooks spoil the broth! 2-3 people who had the will and interest should have been assigned the task and voila we would have had a sticker and logo way back in 2006.. :D


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:06 pm
by grewal
Better Late Than Never :cheers:

Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:11 pm
by angraj

Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:59 am
by brihacharan
Hi Guys!

> Its heartening to know that all of us are keen to have IFG Lapel Pins & Stickers. It appears that it was first thought of way back in 2006 but somehow it went into cold storage. Well lets thaw it and resurrect it - what say?

> Since the idea now was initiated by me, I'll take the responsibility to see it through. It happens that I work as a Creative Consultant with an 'ad' firm and as such have the resource to get the designs done.

> Once the designs are done, who do I submit them to for approval? Do we have a committee for these things?

> As you are aware once the designs are approved, quotations for production have to be received & orders placed. This needs some coordination.

> Spoke to Tirths last night & he suggested IFGian ' Vikram ' as the touch point - So Vikram if you see this post please get in toch with me asap. You can also contact me after 9pm any day on 022-2528 5223 / 91-98212 62546. Till then.....


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:56 am
by Zake
Hi brihacharan and the rest of the guys, Just to inform you lot that for last few months Inder, an artist you do not know and certain member of the IFG has been working on a sticker. After rejection and acceptance of several design there is one to be presented for evaluation on the boards soon.(Few days give or take). So the idea is being worked on. And if anyone wants to cheap in and help, it will be much appreciated. New designs are always welcome. We need loads of stickers.

So do post your design. when you feel you are ready to send the design to someone, you can send it to Inder, Vikram, Myself ([email protected]).

Best of luck and make a great one :D


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:12 am
by mundaire
Zake if your artist friend needs the original PSD files for the current logo:


Do let me know...


Re: Identity for IFGians - Lapel Pins

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:15 pm
by brihacharan
Hi Guys!

> Let me know whether we can create totally a new design or do we follow the existing colour scheme as appearing in our IFG masthead site?

> Is it permitted to use the colours of our national tricolour as is appearing in the masthead?

> As you may be aware Lapel Pins are usually made of brass and then gold anodized. Stickers ofcourse are printed on paper with a glue backing.

> I think for Stickers we can follow the colour scheme as per masthead - need clearance though.

> By the way what will be the numbers like for Lapel Pins & Stickers?

> Awaiting your feed-back asap.
