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Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:41 pm
by Sid_kapur30
Hey i am a dog lover... but haven't had a dog ever since my last one passed away....
i was thinking for adopting one for my mother, since i've moved away. Something to give her company and also keep her busy. So if i were to ask you guys what breed should i go in for, which one would you recommend..

Recently got a lab from a breeder but the we lost the poor chap to Pavro, the though of returning him did cross my mind, but when was told what the breeders do to a sick pup didn't have a heart..

So looking forward to your suggestions for a breed or better someone who's willing to give up a pup for adoption, someone known and someone who can be trusted. If required even willing to shell out some cash, but not to a shop owner.

Tanks a ton

Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:48 pm
by perazzi
SidKid ,

Here's my recommendation , FOX TERRIER.
They are the cutest most adorable little doggies and to top it all they are originally "hunt dogs".
I have a little female doggy who's name is Trigger.
She;s just 09months old and was given to my daughter by some of my close shooting buddies from Rajasthan.
Fox Terriers are pretty small hence quite suited to flats/apartments etc.
Trigger shud be mated soon as she's over a year old and all we want is that her puppies go to loving/caring homes hence you are more than welcome to one of Trigger's puppies as nd when they happen.

Cheers Rohit.

Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:56 pm
by perazzi
Just to add that Trigger is a smooth fox terrier and not a wire fox terrier.
You can google fox terriers and the picture of the tan colored smooth fox terrier is what Trigger looks like.


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:58 pm
by OverUnderPump
Very intelligent and hi-energy dogs too, fox terriers.The first one that comes to my mind is from the movie The Mask.


Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:04 pm
by perazzi
Yep OUP , right you are !!!
They also tend to get overly jealous and possesive of things/people they love.
Prime example is that Trigger thinks she has patented rights over my daughter Aashna who's 11yrs.
All in all very lovings dogs and good companions.

Cheers Rohit.

Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:32 pm
by Ranjeet Singh
Sid_kapur30";p="48951 wrote:i was thinking for adopting one for my mother, since i've moved away. Something to give her company and also keep her busy.
if you are gifting a dog to your mother then you need to give her a small/medium dog, e.g A Dachshound is a good choice. They don't become too big..easy for your mother to take the dog for a walk. Can say indoors. Do not shed a lot of hair. Will be easy to groom and keep the ticks away. Perfect to keep company for a lady.

Do not take a German shepherd for your mother especially in Delhi, way too hot for it in summer and will require a lot of exercise, I would have suggested a Dobe if some one was willing to give it the exercise it requires. Otherwise it'll end up a wreck.

Unless you are keen on a pure breed, the Indian Mutt is the way to go. Incredibly desease resistant, short hair which means no hair all over the place, you can get it neutered ( if male) and requires only moderate exercise and will learn basic commands if taught well.


PS - Just a thought , Terriers are incredibly active, maybe too much for a lady, unless you'll have kids to play ball with it.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:56 pm
by Sid_kapur30
Ranjeet Singh";p="48960 wrote:
Sid_kapur30";p="48951 wrote:i was thinking for adopting one for my mother, since i've moved away. Something to give her company and also keep her busy.
if you are gifting a dog to your mother then you need to give her a small/medium dog, e.g A Dachshund is a good choice. They don't become too big..easy for your mother to take the dog for a walk. Can say indoors. Do not shed a lot of hair. Will be easy to groom and keep the ticks away. Perfect to keep company for a lady.

PS - Just a thought , Terriers are incredibly active, maybe too much for a lady, unless you'll have kids to play ball with it.
Weekend exercise are something that he'll get for sure plus everyday my mom's out for her walks, which sometime do end up to about 45 minutes of brisk walk..
it aint enough but for weekdays but i think i can cover it up on the weekends..

besides something like Dachshund is not something that'll suit my mother's needs he'll probably need more protection than my mother :D.. just kidding..

Actually i was thinking, how about a lab.. what say??


Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:01 pm
by perazzi
Also a good choice but they do need lots more space to work with.

Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:12 pm
by sudhaiob
Dachunds do not make very good pets. They are ranked at the top for biting people. a very good choic would be either a golden retriever or a lab retriever, the best being a pie dog of unknown parentage. this reminds me of a book i read sometime " of pedigree unknown' a very touching book on animals in general and about some of the authors indeterminable breeds. i will let you know the author's name

Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:17 pm
by sudhaiob
the name of the author is Phil Drabble. this is a must read.

Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:41 pm
by Ranjeet Singh
Sid_kapur30";p="48964 wrote:Actually i was thinking, how about a lab.. what say??
Lab is good, fairly energetic.They look cute when they are small and they grow up fast. Grown up Labs have lot of strength, unless trained to heel, they can easily pull down a man and Labs can put on too much weight and are prone to Hip dysplasia. This can happen to any dog, so make sure you give lots of calcium right from the beginning and get an x-ray done before you buy a pup to rule out hip dysplasia.

Dalmations are good, and again short hair. Golden Retreiver is again good choice, will need a good brushing once a day to keep the hair off.

And I don't quite agree with the biting of Dachshund. Any dog of bad temperment can bite....


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:20 pm
by mundaire
OverUnderPump";p="48957 wrote:Very intelligent and hi-energy dogs too, fox terriers.The first one that comes to my mind is from the movie The Mask.
OUP the dog in the movie "the Mask" was a Jack Russell Terrier, which incidentally were also originally bred for fox hunting.

We had a Dachshund pup till a couple of weeks back (some idiot ran him over), and they are very affectionate dogs indeed. The worst thing you can do to a Dachshund is to exclude him from the family "pack" - they want in on everything going on at home! They are fairly easy to maintain, especially in a limited space urban environment - except that they are prone to back problems and vets usually recommend against having them climb stairs too often. They can be a good "alarm system" but attack dogs they are most certainly not!


Re: Woof!!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:26 pm
by sitar
Dachshund for grand ma my 2 cents....

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:33 pm
by Sid_kapur30
sitar";p="48982 wrote: Dachshund for grand ma my 2 cents....
Dude if she reads this you're so going to be dead :D
She's the Chuck Norris at our home :)


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:46 pm
by OverUnderPump
Mundaire's Daschund, didn't quite like me and Kanwal, when we went visiting. It was terrorizing us and Mundaire had to arrange a backdoor entry for us. Sorry to hear about the loss.
