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Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:56 pm
by Sujay
An appeal to Asif and other doctors of this forum :--

I request Asif and other doctors on this form to please explain the extract from an MRI report.

The extract :--

Fracture of lateral tibial condyle with adjacent T2 & STIR hyperintensities----S/0 Marrow oedema/contusion.



It would be sufficient if get to know 1) Is it a fracture of bone ? If yes, how serious ? 2) If not a fracture of bone, what is it ?

The reason I ask in this forum is internet search in throwing results in terms which only a doctor can understand and the doctor assigned to me is in OT and is not accesible before 8 PM tomorrow. After receiving the report I have lost my sleep unable to grasp the significane because the X ray did not show any fracture.

Many thanks in advance.


Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:05 pm
by eljefe
Basketball or hi impact sports? and / or two wheeler accident??
YES-if it has taken an MRI to zero down AND there is marrow edema-I would call it a fracture! Its been a long time ago that I've switched from ortho to em med, but if there is a causative incident,pain, swelling, limited movement at that joint and x ray doubtful, thats why the mri was asked for!Looks like the fragment is hardly displaced,the surgeon may get away with insertion of a couple of cancellous screws-if in an adult.
The hemarthrosis or collection of blood OUT of the bone, in the joint cavity-a ' fracture hematoma' is another positive indicator.
would appreciate more details of patient (via pm)of the causative mechanism, if there was one e.g trauma, because a 'de novo 'fracture aka 'pathological fracture' is worrying...Hope this has been of help.

Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:27 pm
by Sujay
Many thank... PM on way..

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:27 am
by casual shooter
the xray will only show a positive sign if there is displacement of bone pieces
lateral tibial condyle generally gets fractured due to impact or lateral torsion injuries,
haematherosis is a colateral finding
edema contusion are always there with a injury which has started to repair itself
there were no sol in the tibial condyle in mri so a pathological fracture is ruled out
generally this type of injury occurs say while stepping out of the car the ligaments cause a shearing stress on the bone.

Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:29 am
by The Doc

Orthopaedic Surgeon/Arthroscopist here.

This fracture is also known as the "bumper fracture".

I agree with Asif fully. Assuming it is a case of trauma, the report means a minimally displaced fracture of the lateral (outer) condyle of the proximal tibia. since this fracture is intra-articular ( with in the joint) there will be bleeding from the broken bone inside the joint cavity ( haemarthrosis). Bone bruise/contusion and marrow oedema are diagnoses seen only in the MRI images and a plain x-ray cannot pick it up.

Depending upon the comminution and displacement of the fractured fragments the treatment can be planned. A tense haemarthrosis can be aspirated. The fracture can be treated surgically or conservatively. Weight bearing in any case has to be avoided for 6 weeks approx. Early mobilisation of the knee joint is advisable.


Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:53 pm
by Sujay
Your replies are greatly appreciated; Casual Shooter , The Doc and Asif.

After reading your replies', I realise that I have walked around (though minimally) with walker/stick, some damage has been done. But this was done as the X Ray did not reveal any fracture. I will now pray for the best. It was a two wheeler accident by the way on 14th Jan 2008. I have also applied ice and warmth extensively on knee and hope they have not cuased any harm :(

Thanks to you guys once again.


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:37 pm
by Mack The Knife
Mend well and fast.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:17 pm
by mundaire
Sujay";p="37091 wrote:Your replies are greatly appreciated; Casual Shooter , The Doc and Asif.

After reading your replies', I realise that I have walked around (though minimally) with walker/stick, some damage has been done. But this was done as the X Ray did not reveal any fracture. I will now pray for the best. It was a two wheeler accident by the way on 14th Jan 2008. I have also applied ice and warmth extensively on knee and hope they have not cuased any harm :(

Thanks to you guys once again.

Get well soon Sujay


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:22 pm
by The Doc
Sujay";p="37091 wrote: on 14th Jan 2008. I have also applied ice and warmth extensively on knee and hope they have not cuased any harm
When was this MRI done? Its been 2 wks after injury. I understand that your Orthopaedist is treating you conservatively. If the MRI was done around 14thJan then It might be a good idea to get a check xray now. Sometimes the fracture line especially in the cancellous bone becomes visible after 10-14 days. Moreover, since you have indeed put some weight on it , it would be wise to see any depression/displacement of the lateral condyle.



Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:31 pm
by rk
Get well soon Sujay.

Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:11 pm
by penpusher
Speedy recovery Sujay

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:16 pm
by Olly
Get well soon,,,

Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:55 pm
by Sujay
Thanks and lots of appreciation for your best wishes :D

Keep posting interesting stuff !

Re: Help needed --Medical term of MRI report

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:04 pm
by kanwar76
Get well soon Sujay...


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:04 pm
by HSharief
Get well soon Sujay. Take good care of yourself, I found that braving injuries just adds to recovery time and more misery and pain. Focus on recovery and it will happen faster and you'll be back in action sooner.

I wish you a speedy recovery.