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Best way to EDC a handgun

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:39 pm
by rover12
What's the most efficient way to EDC a handgun (pistol/revolver) especially while driving and walking... keeping in mind that your adversary(if such a situation were to arise) will most probably have "drawn and be waiting"?

Re: Best way to EDC a handgun

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:54 am
by aadhaulya
What is EDC?? I suppose you mean how to effectively carry a gun. Please note my opinion
1. While driving the best way to carry is sticking it into a bracket fixed near the steering wheel. The most convenient is right of the steering wheel so that it can be pulled out using the right hand. But in India cars being Right Hand Drive it is not a safe ting to place the gun where it can easily be pulled out by any one, when you open the door. The door pocket is a good place to keep the gun covered by a cleaning cloth.
2. While walking my preferred mode is open carry. It would normally discourage anyone to mess with you if he knows that you are armed.
After all this is not the wild west where people walk around with guns drawn and ready to shoot you down.
Therefore, if you are a normal person not expecting to be shot down due to whatever reason then you are should be safer than any other person.
FINALLY, the best way to stay safe is being alert to your surroundings.


Re: Best way to EDC a handgun

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:45 am
by Vik
In my opinion, one should never let anyone else see a handgun if you are carrying it. Why? Then they can plan for it if they have evil intent. But, the main reason is this: If i have a chrome-plated 1911, and someone sees that, they can report to the police that I was waving, gesturing, pointing, a chromed looking big pistol, and if they know guns, what exact kind. Truthfullness about the gun carried is transferred to truthfulness about the act where it was used, in this case, for most people.

Re: Best way to EDC a handgun

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:20 am
by xl_target
There are no absolutes. There is no absolute best way to cook a dish. There is no absolute best way to ride a bike. There is no "one size fits all". It varies from person to person. What works for one person may not work for another. One can take different examples (e.g. as brought up by aadhaulya) and try them out and see if they work for you.
In my opinion, one should never let anyone else see a handgun if you are carrying it. Why? Then they can plan for it if they have evil intent.
...but cops walk around with exposed handguns all the time. Why don't people, with evil intent, attack them all the time for their guns?
But, the main reason is this: If i have a chrome-plated 1911, and someone sees that, they can report to the police that I was waving, gesturing, pointing, a chromed looking big pistol, and if they know guns, what exact kind. Truthfullness about the gun carried is transferred to truthfulness about the act where it was used, in this case, for most people.
To say that you don't believe in open carry because of a personal bias is one thing but to come out and state categorically that if someone sees your carried handgun, x, y and z will happen... is a little fanciful.

Tomorrow you could be walking down the street and someone could say you attacked them with a knife.
The day after, someone could say that you tried to run them over with your car. I mean if they know cars they could say "so and so tried to run me over with his 2005 Toyota Camry".
I mean, the above could happen, right? If we were really afraid of stuff like that, one would never leave the house.

If charged, the prosecutor will have to prove, in court, that you did do what the guy said you did.
Making a false report to police is a crime in almost every country and often carries severe criminal penalties.