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Question about Turmeric and health
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 12:18 am
by Commonwealth_of_PA
On the advice of a few Indian friends I started drinking some turmeric with warm milk and sometimes honey for sore knees. It worked very well.
After a few months I had some type of abdominal pain that I later determined was likely gall stones. Reading internet search results regarding holistic and herbal remedies I found conflicting information about whether turmeric is good for gallstones or liver issues or if it actually can aggravate gallstones. The conflict in the information was quite profound. Often when I read about something I would find sources that say it works or it might not work. I think this is the first time I have seen conflicting information about whether it would help the condition or actually cause it.
Since this is a traditional Indian drink as far as I know I thought I would ask here.

Re: Question about Turmeric and health
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:25 am
by aftabkhan
After a few months I had some type of abdominal pain that I later determined was likely gall stones. Reading internet search results regarding holistic and herbal remedies I found conflicting information about whether turmeric is good for gallstones or liver issues or if it actually can aggravate gallstones. The conflict in the information was quite profound. Often when I read about something I would find sources that say it works or it might not work. I think this is the first time I have seen conflicting information about whether it would help the condition or actually cause it.
Since this is a traditional Indian drink as far as I know I thought I would ask here.
Well, Turmeric contains some biological active substances that can cure certain diseases (However it is not recognised by international monographs like USP, BP, NF or Indian pharmacopoeia). Any drugs (biological active substances) must be metabolized/ detoxified (degrade to simple and excreatory state) so that it will eliminate from body. Liver and kidney are primary organs to detoxify drugs. So high level of turmeric may add additional load on Liver, so its prolonged ingestion is not good for liver tissue. You have to drink more than 4 liters of water per day.
The oxalate content in turmeric is quite significant to aggravate KIDNEY and GALLBLADER STONES. Oxalates will chemically react with minerals like calcium and magnesium to form an water insoluble salt which will later converted to stones.
In short-
prolonged intake of turmeric may cause stones. And LESS DRINKING WATER, High PROTEIN intake, High CALCIUM intake may aggravate stone formation.
(M. Pharmacy)
Re: Question about Turmeric and health
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:51 am
by aadhaulya
Very interesting information. Thanks
Re: Question about Turmeric and health
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:26 am
by ganeshn
Turmeric is a bilary secretagouge and one of the active component cucurmin is the best anti inflammatory substance known to man, hence its effective in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.
Please continue your regimen you will thank your self. if *you* are susceptible to uric or oxalic acid and hence their corresponding stones in corresponding places then you need to add citric acid to your diet, in layman terms - humble nimbu pani.
Not tumeric but many herbs do elevate liver enzymes so avoid bolus dosages.
Re: Question about Turmeric and health
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:18 pm
by Commonwealth_of_PA
Thank you, gentlemen!