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trying to be a bwana once again

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:56 pm
by dev
So there I was sitting in my stand, cradled across my lap was my magnum game getter. It had been zeroed in just two evening ago and was going to hold an inch up at my shooting distance. The morning had been cool and as I sat in wait, it became very still. Soon a fly began to buzz and the trickle of sweat slowly burnt its way thru my eye.

I sat motionless trying to distract myself with the thoughts of the shaitan. They had lost all fear of man and had begun to habituate unusually close. The thought of a child straying into their turf gave me nightmares. As I almost went into a sleepy stupor a flicker of yellow appeared.

Apparently, some people can move slithering silently like a snake,well I can't. Anyway witha creak of the ungreased elbow, I clicked the safety off. It sprung back into position like a ninja shadow. My rifle was naturally oiled better than I was, anyway i digress.

So the shaitan appeared slowly, I moved the rifle slowly with the scope coming to my eye in one practiced move. The wind had picked up and I was worried, you see my mind was trying to figure out where to hold the crosshair. An inch up yes, but left or right for the wind?

The shaitan now turned broadside to me and as my mind screamed," shoot damn you," my finger moved like a snail on a tar road. I was also trying to allow for the second bead of sweat. All my instincts were alert, I aligned the crosshair and squeezed the trigger. As it has been said before, you don't feel the recoil in the heat of the moment. The beast vanished from sight. Had I missed?

As I went ten feet ahead from where I was sitting I realised that my aim had been
true. I took a deep breath of satisfaction, as I realised that the world was safe again from the yellow shaitan. I was wondering about the trophy shot when SWAMBO walked in. " Put your QB 78 away and run before the other wasps realise it was you."


With apologies to the spirit of Jim Corbett.

Re: trying to be a bwana once again

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:12 pm
by kanwar76

I wonder why you didn't use your Lab to retrieve the game :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hey beware aunty Maneka doesn't live too far from you :D :D


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:09 pm
by GasramGandu
LOL, good one Dev.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:11 pm
by Sakobav
Nice funny " run before wasps realize its you'


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:20 pm
by snIPer
IFG willing we shall truly see such days in the near future :-)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:41 pm
by mundaire
:lol: Good one! Reminds me of a short post I made on my blog a couple of years back... But those were mice, and my "firearm" of choice was a broom... ;) :lol:


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:38 pm
by dev
kanwar76";p="26581 wrote: LMAO

I wonder why you didn't use your Lab to retrieve the game :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hey beware aunty Maneka doesn't live too far from you :D :D

The damn yellow jackets had stung the poor sap in the nose...hence my desire to rid the world of the shaitan. But they have taken a cardboard carton and made their nest in my chat. I reduce a few, at times with the QB.


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:42 pm
by dev
ngrewal";p="26585 wrote:Nice funny " run before wasps realize its you'

Between you and me these buggers sense intent, i had tried sneaking up on em with a flying insect spray can in hand. Suddenly, they started flying towards me, had one sitting on the can. Whispering down good doggie, under my breath got me back in the house without being stung. :D
