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GBM's boot question

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:37 am
by xl_target
GBM's boot question.
Rather than hijack Prasantjit's thread I thought I would create a new thread to answer GBM's inquiry:
I would like to purchase shoes that would keep feet(especially toes) warm in winter temperatures at around zero to five degrees centigrade. Will these type of Army issue shoes serve the purpose or need shoes that have soles made of some different or thicker material?
If you're going to be outside for long periods of time in sub zero weather, you need insulated boots.
It is very important to keep your feet dry. Once your feet and socks get wet, you will be cold. This usually happens when you have a really warm pair of boots and you have to exert yourself. Once your feet start sweating, the moment you stop, they will get cold and you will not be able to warm them up, even after going indoors.

Many people here wear Sorels. Sorels have a removable felt liner.

Sorel pac boots

Another option is military issue "Mickey Mouse" boots. I have seen soldiers in the Indian Army wearing them, so I'm sure they are available in India.
I have a pair of these and they are too warm to wear while moving around. Mine are made by BATA.
They work well for sitting outside for long periods, while hunting, etc.

US Military cold weather "Mickey Mouse" or "Bunny" boots.

I found that there is an Indian equivalent:
I would say these are much too warm for your specified zero to five degrees C.

If only for a few hours, heavy woolen socks worn over nylon dress socks will work in any decent pair of leather boots. The nylon dress socks wick away moisture and keep your feet dry. Wool will insulate even if damp. Even where I live, with the harshest of winters, I can get by with nylon/wool blend socks over nylon, especially if I am moving around outdoors. My everyday work boots are water proof but uninsulated leather boots made by Wolverine. Insulated boots get too hot in the summer.

I need work boots because I have to often go on the factory floor. Luckily the company pays the lions share of the price.

When I'm off work and I'm not going to be outside for very long, just driving from place to place, I wear cowboy boots or Goretex hikers with thick socks.
My Adidas Terex Goretex hikers. These work great in the summer too because they breathe.
The cowboy boots even work in deep snow as long as you have a decent pair of socks on. I just wouldn't want to be sitting in a stand all day wearing them when its below zero.
There are a lot of companies like Cabelas, who make insulated hunting boots. Most of them are made in China now. They do work well.

Hehe, I have a lot of shoes; getting close to giving Imelda Marcos a run for her money.:)

Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:44 pm
by TC
When I read GBM posting his question in a four year old post I realized he was one guy who needed help right away.

I too have a somewhat similar looking 12 inch high laced up boot (referring to the one in the old post) that an infantry Major in our Army gave me saying he got it for me from his unit's supply store and wore a pair himself in Kashmir where he was serving at the time. GBM since I wear that shoe sometimes all I can say is its very comfortable and good for cold weather but not suitable for sub-zero temperature and snow for long exposure.

XL tackles harsher weather conditions in everyday life than any of us here and I would take his advice on this issue; word by word.

Thank you XL. On a lighter note I used to quite a Marcos myself :wink: and can smell one out from a thousand miles away if his feet doesn't smell :lol:


Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:30 pm
by goodboy_mentor
Thank you XL and TC for sharing your experiences. Got the idea what might be causing the issue.

Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:32 pm
by Hammerhead
I have few different name brands for hunting. Any thing says made in china - pass it, like \Rocky/ boots.
When I was disappointed few times in real cold weathers and storms, a nineteen year teenager at the
counter told me " not to tight the laces too much". Any warm weather shoes needs a good air
circulation to warm up the feet. And it worked.

Depending upon the trek and trail, you can't have one kind of shoes to do all - Haji

Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:29 pm
by goodboy_mentor
Thank you Haji saab for the idea to not tie laces too tight to allow air circulation. With no air circulation feet are bound to sweat and cause problem.

Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:46 pm
by ckkalyan
A most excellent topic and wonderful, practical insights provided by xl_target and Hammerhead.

Sadly, XL forgot to give me a tour of his Imelda-esque collection - guess we missed that one huh? :lol:

We humans should realize that we must treat our feet with much greater care and reverence as these are the most abused parts of the body in everyday life; they bear the brunt most of the day and get rest only when we are asleep - we routinely take them for granted!

Check this out
* There are 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet. Sweat glands in the feet excrete as much as a half-pint of moisture a day.
* When walking, each time your heel lifts off the ground it forces the toes to carry one half of your body weight.
* During an average day of walking, the total forces on your feet can total hundreds of tons, equivalent to an average of a fully loaded cement truck.
My personal experience - the moment your feet get cold - your whole body seems to follow suit - very quickly! :(

As for GBM's temperature range I think my area in Canada is the best matched -5 to +5 Deg in winter; snows a little but not too cold. My suggestions:
  • * This matter of wicking and feet getting wet (from sweat) is spot-on and is a crucial factor in foot comfort.
    * Invest in the best quality shoes and socks that money can buy.
    * Change your socks often, at least once a day or rotate them and use them no more than two days!
    * Two layers of socks are better than one single thick one.
    * If you are doing a lot of walking use gel inner soles - they take a huge load off your heels.
I am really curious about and fascinated by the UGG (Australian) Boots which are sheep wool lined and can be worn without socks - or so they say? Any user reviews?

Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:57 pm
by AnandNair
Mikey Mouse Boots Rock :D They are soft and will not survive walking over rough ground but on snow they are real good and gives good grip because of almost flat sole.

wear it with a thin nylon/synthetic socks inner, a heavy wollen socks over the synthetic and then the shoes. (synthetic socks does not absorb sweat but being porus will alow the sweat move out to the wollen socks and keep your feet dry)
They are nice and comfortable and waterproof. will keep your feet warm for hours of walking in the snow. for sitting long periods of time, no shoe will help unless it has inbuilt heater :) Keep the toes moving helps.

Re: GBM's boot question

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:27 pm
by goodboy_mentor
Thank you ckkalyan and AnandNair for providing your ideas and experiences.