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When the CM's daughter captained the US marines

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:59 am
by Sakobav
I didnt know this , I was aware that Dr Bhagwati famous Economist at Columbia Univ daughter is an ex MArine or US army officer and so is cousin of Manhattan Fed Attorney's Preet Bharara ( He send Rajat Gupta and other Walls street bozos to jail) a Capt Kalsi a turbaned Sikh Doctor in US army. My family friend a Lt Col / Major of Indian Kannada origin Doctor who has done multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan...not to mention Sgt Tonk grand son of illustratious Indian army family who laid down his life in Iraq

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... kh-prateek
From TOI

NEW DELHI: Perilla Bhandari-Swartz could possibly be the only Indian woman — a captain, no less — in the US marines. She has seen action in three combat zones, including Iraq, and has a number of awards under her belt like Soldier of the Year (2004), Logistics Warrior and Military Leadership Award. In Sikkim, though, where she hails from, most people know her as the daughter of the state's former chief minister, Narbahadur Bhandari. The one who didn't follow her father's footsteps but instead chose a different career.

Re: When the CM's daughter captained the US marines

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:19 am
by brihacharan
Hi ngrewal,
> Thanks for sharing -
> We Indians are no less when it comes to bravery & valour :D
> Am proud to be an Indian :D