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Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:20 am
by airgun_novice
Dear all,

Though the write-up below does not allude to shooting sports in any way, I have posted so that folks are aware of the critical situation and how a rag-tag group is trying to help some fellow humans out in its own way. Please note that I am *NOT* asking for any monetary help, but request some extra thoughts that could go a long way in helping people. The same model could be adapted and replicated for similar crisis situation across India by the fellow IFGian.

Worst ever famine situation in Marathwada region of Maharashtra has appealed to the good in civilians. Not only have rains failed last year but the water tables keep falling. This has resulted in devastated crops, cracked up fields and death toll on cattle and humans. Many families have started migrating elsewhere as this is just the beginning. Things are only going to get worse from now on. At least three months await the rains.

None but the people and their government are to be blamed for mismanagement and corruption that has forced such hardship on the people of Marathwada. While famines were a common occurrence, the sheer proportion of tragedy this year has been the first since India's Independence. So not waiting for any governing body to do anything substantial, a group of friends decided to
"adopt" a village of 150 families through an NGO. The idea and initiative was taken by my friend, Shri. Swapnil Pawar of Ashirwad Decorators, Mumbai.

He got in touch with the secretary of an NGO, "Marathwada Gramim Vikas Sanstha", registered at Vaijapur taluka, Aurangbad. They are ready to supervise water distribution in the interior vilages which have been specifically ear-marked as heavily draught-striken.

So our school-mates batch got together and have decided to supply water through tanker to the adopted village of about 150 families, daily, for three critical months - March 1st through May 31st. The cost of doing so would only be Rs. 63000. It was first decided that out of 100+ batchmates that get together for Reunion every year, even if 63 contribute Rs. 1000 each the issue would be addressed. Some of us have volunteered to visit the locale periodically to ensure that the work is indeed getting carried out and the NGO is doing what it has assured us.

I proposed a few more points as pasted below. I would greatly appreciate if you could revert with any additional pointers so I could take it to our group for due consideration.

Carrying forward your idea, is it possible to ponder over the following suggestions:

1. Instead of water supply from tanker is it possible to supply bottled water,say in terms of 20lt bottles. We will not know where the tanker sources its water from and quite possible that the water table would be contaminated. Alternately, can we ensure that the families are also supplied water purification kits ?

2. Is it possible to ENFORCE (i.e. insist on) community kitchen in the village that we adopt ? Thus water for cooking gets saved and the utilization period extended ?

3. When are you planning to go to Aurangbad ? Is the secretary of that NGO located in Aurangbad city ? If it works out for me, I shall try to travel to Aurangbad city and meet you there.

4. Since you know the NGO quite well, hope you can recee its background and ensure that they do not have relations to any sinister bodies. We would not want the funds misused or the poor people subjected to errant conditions.

5. Now the target of Rs. 63000 is quite achievable between 100 Brats. What I propose is that we double it to Rs. 126000 and each Brat contributes Rs. 2000. So even at 60% contribution participation, the objective is achieved.

6. Since we are not ruling politicians to spend lavish sums in terms of crores on weddings or birthdays or siphon off 10K crores from irrigation projects, let us observe some austerity measures in support of the suffering suffrage that will continue to return these leeches to state legislature every time. Let us forgo our Reunion for 2013 if we have to and use the proceeds for not 150 families, but 300.

7. And now that we automatically become stake-holders in the common man's problems of famine, we better start brain-storming session on long term solution. We need to know (not just general knowledge that can be had from google) everyone in the administration from ZP to MP and try to seek out contacts with them and see if we can contribute from our pool of expertise to give a long term solution. There are jokers termed as Palak Mantris and Palak Netas in almost all major political parties for every district.

8. If possible we have to check out, may be through RTIs, if water sources and supplies have been altered in any way or in any particular region in favor of say sugarcane crop in a particular belt, thus depriving certain other people of water resulting in ceaseless cycles of famine. We have to see if deforestation and stone-sand quarrying has been carried out that has resulted in depleting water-tables thus leading to famine. If so, the massive problem is going to be eternal in nature - the best being every alternate year and the worst being every year.

Though I would have loved to work on last two points, unfortunately I face a famine when it comes to politicians/ administrators. :-( So I can only mail in my share of contribution and e-mail 2 cents worth of thoughts.

Just imagine if 150 families can be helped out for three months for a mere Rs. 63000, what all the central and state governments with their massive resources can achieve.


Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:05 pm
by AK49
AGN read this morning this post. I am ready to contribute Rs. 1000 each all the 3 months of the drought.

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:45 pm
by airgun_novice
Dear AKji,

Thank you very much for your gesture; but like I said I will not be taking money here. Please guide us with extra suggestions, points to be considered etc. which will be beneficial in the long run. This initiative was for one village 'adopted' by our school group. Shared it here so it could be a baseline for similar projects should any IFGian want to undertake.


Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:41 pm
by Mark
Is there an idea of how much it would cost to have a new well or four drilled in the village? Does the gov't have a department that is capable of assisting in this, for instance if the materials and equipment were purchased could there be a department that could competently install it?

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:05 pm
by airgun_novice
Dear Mark,

All these villages have wells, including hand-pump bore-wells, but they run dry during non-monsoon. There is rampant deforestation and quarrying in the mountains along with illegal sand quarrying. The region hardly sees any water-harvesting. Adding to the woes is the fact that it lies in what is called "rain shadow" region. So there is hardly any sustainable water-table.

In many cases natural water-flow (rivers/ streams) have been "turned" so that region to its west can grow more sugarcane. Now sugarcane is a crop that needs lots of water right from harvest through sugar manufacture. All such complexities in India happen under political blessings. This "sugar" lobby is where most powerful politicians in the state come from and form ruling coalition. So how come they get elected and re-elected ? I better not go into the finer details. :-(

As a result sinking some more wells will not ameliorate the hardship faced by poor common man there. Even metros like Thane-Mumbai (which lie in world's heaviest rainfall region) face water scarcity though not at these levels.


Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:06 pm
by essdee1972
Apart from monetary help, one thing I can suggest is Iodine tincture for water purification. It should be available in sarkari pharmacies. Else it's quite cheap. Only thing is, it should be retained in the dark coloured bottles which it comes in. I used the same long years back trekking in the hills.

Unfortunately, I cannot give you any "safe" suggestions to take on the sugar lobby.

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:42 pm
by StampMaster
Dear airgun_novice,

Greatly appreciate you and your team of friends. I firmly believe in "lack of individual social responsibility leads to corruption" and we're facing the consequences. My district situation is very much the same you've mentioned, severe drought. But a few companies and individuals have come forward with a temporary solution, hope it might help you solve or give a base idea to make necessary modification to suit the ground needs.

1. Build a small reservoir about quarter or half an acre. Generally government helps to do it in subsidized rates, Andhra Pradesh govt does under some schemes. It helps in storage of water over a big plastic sheet (will post a pic soon). And setup a RO, UV water purifier with sufficient capacity to get quality water.

I can get you a quote from a manufacturer, so you can bargain or negotiate with your local vendor.

2. An organization near the village has setup a water plant and a tractor to carry water to the near by colonies. Water come twice in a day and sell water for about Rs5 for 20 liters. Money is being collected to make this project a self sustain. As if the summer season prolongs or rain delays this will help the organization stand on its own.

3. While volunteering for a project research, I read an article that an ATM kind of machine is setup in the area which dispenses water Price of a liter water is about 50 paise. It works on using a ATM kinda of card which has to be recharged. And in their second phase they have attached a device which helps them to know water level at this remote water storage area so they can schedule vehicles to refill.

Please contact me if you need any further suggestions.

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:43 pm
by StampMaster
Hello All,

Hope most of you have had a great weekend.

I have spoken to an old friend who has a commercial water plant. He has enlightened me with some knowledge about pricing, problems etc. However, what he said may defer at the place you mentioned. As my friend purchased this plant ready made, he could not provide the current market prices.

- Plant cost required for water filtering and purification- Rs 110,000
- 2k-3k liter water tanks for water storage (after purifying)- No idea, contact hardware stores to get details, they call it Sintex water tanks. But local brand and you can save about 30%.
- Pipelines- depending what area you want to cover.
- Human Resource for construction of the unit. And for maintenance.
- Power- power supply construction accessories. Your major investment would be a boring motor and electrical unit. And variable price for power used.
- Water bottles or bubble top, it holds 20 liter water- cost ranges between 50-100 depending on what quantity you buy. Buy do not hesitate o bargain.

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:46 pm
by airgun_novice
Dear Stamp Master,
Thank you very much for the important feedback. Will take this to my group and discuss things over. Will revert if need further pointers.

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:00 pm
by airgun_novice
Dear Stamp Master/ ak49ji et al,

I owed y'all this update. :-) It had some time coming, but finally it did !

Today (Sep 25, 2013) Mr. Pawar gave us an update on current scenario.He's been regularly in touch with the NGO (MGVS) and also with the people of that village. Seems the GoMH/ GOI have finally come to the rescue of those people and started work on a small dam as well as canals, embankments etc. May be the state and national elections looming around in 2014 may have nudged them into action. :-) The work is going on at a speed.

For the next year the people do not think there would be any water problem since the work is expected to be completed by then. They have thanked us all profusely for standing with them in their hour of need and at the same time, politely and *HONESTLY* declined our additional monetary help towards that cause. The work done by the NGO (Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha) is commendable since one of their member was always present during the daily water distribution through the tanker and has clean record and signatures on a daily basis.

The funds were reimbursed in 10-day block period. In simple words, every day a signature was taken and after every 10 days the money for the 10-day period was paid out. Nothing in advance and no foul play whatsoever.

A few of us intend to make a trip there during Nov-Dec and get a stock of the situation before we "sign off". Will try to get and post a few pictures of the village, the forest and the WIP then. Stampmaster, I have your suggestions stored in my email and will definitely take them up for discussion with the concerned authorities there should I get a chance to meet with them. Will post another update then after my trip.


Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:15 pm
by StampMaster
Great news, I think this movement should set an example and experience to all those involved and others that we all have to unitedly fight for our rights in this so called democracy.

Re: Famine Crisis in Marathwada - some remedial measures

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:38 pm
by airgun_novice
Very true, dear stampmaster. Forgot to add that these steps when completed would help several villages in the region and some forest land as well. I guess nothing scares our politicians and spurs them into action more than the fear/ possibility of losing a seat or two in the polls. ROTFL