Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by nagarifle » Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:19 pm

just to say this that if the USA ECONOMIC goes down. we will not be that effected if we have teangable assets. even during the last ression not all were effected by it. i do not like to give much credence to the theory if the USA Market goes down so will the world market.

the whole concept of paper stocks is to screw the working/middle class. in every loss someone gains. the only question is who is that one.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Virendra S Rathore » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:22 am

Gen Musharraf must be in agony.
The same timid and dubious response GoI gives today to Chinese incursion, is what he expected while planning the Kargil adventure.
If we had behaved like this during Kargil event, we would not only lose our land but the National Highway connecting rest of Kashmir to Ladakh would be in perpetual risk of destruction by shelling .. or worse, easy capture during hostilities.
Really a sad state of affairs, the Chinese have pitched the 5th tent there.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by kalashnikovcult » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:32 am

this is the best chance to whisk those chinese away ...just disappear them ..china wont inquire since it will have to admit to crossing the LOC... don't know what stops them to grab this beautiful opportunity.

I think we need the gangland of bihar to guide the army...rather than these politicians who can kidnap their rivals but wont do anything abt the rivals of the country.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Safarigent » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:23 pm

And they have gone and erected one more tent! Damn those chinese are good! Now that they have learnt how to properly put up tents, they wont stop!
On a side note, anyone here read ayn rand? I think its high time to let proffessionals handle jobs requiring specific skill sets. Jobs like commerce, health, military, foreign affairs, telecommunications, transportation amongst a few.
Look at singapore. The best from the industry are hired at industry level pay grades plus perks and they let them run the show!
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:36 pm

Relax, the tents may fall over for all we know :lol: .On a more serious note, they look like they won't back off and expect us to.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by nagarifle » Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:18 pm

do you think theres any hope of doing a takeaway?

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:27 pm

" No noodle for you Indian man!!"
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:08 pm

The longer this thing drags out due to the govts failure to show some spine ,the greater the chances of a armed clash.

Naga,heard the Chini bhai's have brought along some tasty dogs :wink: :lol:

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:43 pm

I'll tell you what, we will pitch two tents now....
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by nagarifle » Wed May 01, 2013 5:58 am

the longer they remain the more bigger the claim. possionsn is one tenth of the law. what ever that means.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by timmy » Wed May 01, 2013 6:38 am

nagarifle wrote:just to say this that if the USA ECONOMIC goes down. we will not be that effected if we have teangable assets. even during the last ression not all were effected by it. i do not like to give much credence to the theory if the USA Market goes down so will the world market.

the whole concept of paper stocks is to screw the working/middle class. in every loss someone gains. the only question is who is that one.
There is something to what you are saying re: the stock market, but I want to note that there is a difference between the US Economy "going down" and a drop or hiccup in the stock market.

During recent recessions, a lot of businesses laid off employees, but continued to run development and operations efforts "offshore" and in the case of India, one such place to consider would be Bangalore. A lot of that software development, running operations centers, help desks run by computer countries, and even call centers -- those places in India are going to take a hit if the US Economy goes cold. I read recently that BMW was going to start making Minis in India. These things will also be impacted.

One might note that those Minis (and other products like them) are to be sold in Asia to Asians -- but a significant portion of many Asian economies is selling products to the USA. Those Asian countries aren't going to have as much disposable income if the USA stops buying gadgets from them.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by nagarifle » Wed May 01, 2013 8:10 am

Timmy, would agree with you upto a point. let me be more local in my meaning.

during the last rescission North East India was not touched by it. mainly states ie Nagaland, Mainipur, Mizoram. the reason is simply we are an agriculture society most of the goods remain within the state. while rest of India was effected we maintained our level of lifestyle etc.

going back to stocks and shares, we do not have much of those in this part of the world, so when i say we are not effected by it. simply we do not have enough off stocks and shares to do any harm.

as the old coinage goes, the cheapest bidder gets the bid. many companies from the UK have already stopped using Asian call centers etc. now on the other hand a USA economic down turn will be a good thing in funny sort of way, i do not mean to sound wired but the USA will be forced to value its work force the working class and be come self supporting to some degree.

as for the Asian market, it will find other means to support it self. After all we know how to make a cent into a dollar one way or the other.l ol

a point worth thinking on if the Chinese do dump the paper on the market and reduce the worth of it. and if the USA decides to ignore it and move on. then what? just a thought!

[what if the USA nationalizes its Chinese owned or any other companies?] suckers punch!

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Wed May 01, 2013 8:27 am

What if the Chinese stop buying American treasury bonds?
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by airgun_novice » Thu May 02, 2013 11:13 pm

Dear SD,

I think it was Mr. Clinton (not Mr. Bush) who actually had given a green light to India when he said on the floor (not verbatim, but close enough) - "...who would blame the Indians if they would want justice and revenge at the sight of all those body bags after body bags coming down from the mountains..." I had watched this speech while in the US and was like this dude is actually telling the [###All the words that the MODS would delete and warn me about :-) ###] Indians to go all out and finish off the Global University of Terrorism once and for all and that US would for once actually side with India. But what did India do ?

The ONLY thing the Indians learnt from the Clinton speech was a new joint word - "BODY BAGS". This word was to be parroted in India's English Electronic Media that day on.


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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by airgun_novice » Thu May 02, 2013 11:33 pm

Skyman wrote:What if the Chinese stop buying American treasury bonds?
Why stop when they can exert more pressure on the US the more they hold ? :-)

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