As the the curves of the road unwind in the headlights, the black surface shining in the rain; the rhythmic flashes of the centerline striping appearing out of the fog and the soft glow of the instrument panel provide a perfect setting for the voice on the radio reading "The Shepherd". It is dark outside and the black surface of the road is more perceived than seen. It like flying into the night between the lane marking stripes.
We have the radio tuned to a public radio channel when a program comes on the air from the CBC radio, Canada. They have a short story by Frederic Forsythe that they read every Christmas eve. It is one that I have never heard before. It is about a RAF Vampire pilot in the late 50's transiting from Europe to England to be home for Christmas. Being the master storyteller that Frederic Forsythe is, his tale held us spellbound, from beginning to end.
It was a moving experience and I wanted to share it with my friends at IFG.
"Fireside Al" Maitland reads Frederick Forsyth's "The Shepherd"
If you click on the link above, when the page opens you will see a little speaker icon and a button with the words "listen" on it.
Click that button and you will be taken on a short journey through the words of a master story teller.
You're probably thinking; "what's a Mossy got to do with a jet pilot in 1957"?
Listen in and you will find out. Believe me, it's worth it.