Good guy with the gun, stopped the bad guy with gun !!!

True North, Strong and Free! And most Canadians I have spoken with say that won't change !!!The man credited with subduing a lone gunman who stormed Parliament Wednesday was given a rousing standing ovation in the House of Commons Thursday in tribute to his bravery.
Canada’s Sergeant-At-Arms, Kevin Vickers, led a ceremonial parade into the chamber Thursday morning carrying the House of Commons mace, and was greeted by enthusiastic and extended applause from members of Parliament.
Vickers, who served 29 years with the RCMP before becoming sergeant-at-arms eight years ago, remained mostly expressionless through the ovation, appearing close to tears at some points, and eventually acknowledging the applause with several nods of thanks.
Vickers has been hailed a hero for stopping the gunman who stormed into Centre Block Wednesday morning after fatally shooting a reservist at the National War Memorial just minutes before.

Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, a 24-year-old reservist standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a short distance from Parliament Hill.
The sentries’ rifles are not loaded.

More of the story ...,
http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/ ... -in-ottawa